tr1p1ea - 08/03/2007 (dd/mm/yyyy) --------------------------------- xLIB v0.602b: ------------- xLIB is now an APP that adds some functionality to TI-83+ BASIC programs. It installs a parser hook which will intercept any real( requests. To install xLIB simply copy "xLIB.8xk" to your calc using your favoutrite flavour of linking software. To enable xLIB you must run it from the APPS menu and select '1'. A message should appear informing you that xLIB has been enabled. Pressing '2' will disable xLIB and '3' will quit. xLIB uses both SavesScreen and AppBackupScreen, if you have any other libs that use those saferam areas the results could be unpredictable. 0 - ClearScreen: ---------------- usage: real(0,Clr_UpDateLCD Clr_UpdateLCD = Toggle LCD update 0 = No, 1 = Yes This function Clears the graph buffer and the LCD. 1 - DrawSprite: --------------- usage: real(1,Spr_X,Spr_Y,Spr_Width,SprHeight,sPIC_Num,sPIC_X,sPIC_Y,Spr_Method,Spr_Flip,Spr_UpDateLCD Spr_X = Sprite X location Spr_Y = Sprite Y location Spr_Width = Sprite width in BYTES (so a 16 pixel wide sprite would have a width of 2) Spr_Height = Sprite height in pixels sPIC_Num = The PIC in which the sprite is located PIC0 - PIC9 sPIC_X = X offset to sprite in PIC, must be ALIGNED. Can be a value from 0-11 sPIC_Y = Y offset to sprite in PIC Spr_Method = The copy method 0 = Overwrite, 1 = AND, 2 = OR, 3 = XOR Spr_Flip = Flip Sprite 0 = No Flip, 1 = Horizontal Flip Spr_UpdateLCD = Toggle LCD update 0 = No, 1 = Yes This function will draw clipped sprites of ANY size anywhere on the screen. Dont forget that sprites always have a width which is a multiple of 8. However with this routine we want the BYTE width of the sprite. It is 8 pixels per byte! So a 8x8 sprite has a BYTE width of 1, a 16x16 sprite would have a BYTE width of 2. A 12x12 sprite would still occupy 2 BYTES so it also has a BYTE width of 2. sPIC_X is only at ALIGNED positions, can be a value from 0-11 sPIC_Y can be from 0-63 Horizontal Sprite Flipping has now been implemented. This should save you some space. This function will still be able to read PIC data even if it is archived! 2 - DrawTileMap: ---------------- usage: real(2,Matrice_Name,X_Offset,Y_Offset,MapWidth,MapHeight,ScreenStartX, ScreenEndX,ScreenStartY,ScreenEndY,mPIC_Num,Tile_Method,Tile_Size,Map_UpdateLCD Matrice_Name = Name of matrice containing map data 0 - 9. 0 = [A] - 9 = [J] X_Offsett = X Map Offsett. Which part of the map you wish to start drawing at Y_Offsett = Y Map Offsett. Which part of the map you wish to start drawing at MapWidth = Width of TileMap MapHeight = Height of TileMap ScreenStartX = Which COLUMN you wish to START drawing. Can be a value from 0-12 for 8x8 or 0-6 for 16x16 ScreenEndX = Which COLUMN you wish to END drawing at. Can be a value from 0-12 for 8x8 or 0-6 for 16x16 ScreenStartY = Which ROW you wish to START drawing. Can be a value from 0-8 for 8x8 or 0-4 for 16x16 ScreenEndY = Which ROW you wish to END drawing at. Can be a value from 0-8 for 8x8 or 0-4 for 16x16 mPIC_Num = The PIC in which the tile data is located PIC0 - PIC255 Tile_Method = The copy method 0 = Overwrite, 1 = AND, 2 = OR, 3 = XOR Tile_Size = Size of tiles, 8 = 8x8, 16 = 16x16 Map_UpdateLCD = Toggle LCD update 0 = No, 1 = Yes The ScreenStartX, ScreenEndX, ScreenStartY, ScreenEndY enable you to draw a 'windowed' map. This means that you can draw your map and leave space for a HUD or something similar. Drawing smaller maps will also be a little faster. To draw an 8x8 tilesize map centered with a 1 tile blank border the inputs would be: ScreenStartX = 1 ScreenEndX = 11 ScreenStartY = 1 ScreenEndY = 7 The TileMap routine now supports MULTIPLE PICS and 16-bit TILE INDEX's. This means that you can have a map with more than 256 different tiles. If a tile is >95 it will overlap to the next PIC (if it exists). PICS must follow each other numerically!!!! So if your input PIC is PIC0 any tiles > 95 will be taken from PIC1 and any tiles > 191 will be taken from PIC2. If the PIC doesnt exist then the tile will be drawn as a BLANK. This function will still be able to read PIC data even if it is archived! But it may slow things down. 3 - RecallPIC ------------- usage: real(3,rPIC_Num,rPIC_Method,Recall_UpdateLCD rPIC_Num = PIC to recall PIC0 - PIC255 rPIC_Method = The copy method 0 = Overwrite, 1 = AND, 2 = OR, 3 = XOR Recall_UpdateLCD = Toggle LCD update 0 = No, 1 = Yes This will recall a pic and display it with some options (OR, XOR etc) This function will still be able to read PIC data even if it is archived! 4 - ScrollScreen ---------------- usage: real(4,Scrl_Direction,Scrl_Number,Scrl_UpdateLCD Scrl_Direction = direction to scroll Scrl_Number = number of pixels to scroll Scrl_UpdateLCD = Toggle LCD update 0 = No, 1 = Yes Directions: 0 - Up 1 - Down 2 - Left 3 - Right 4 - UpLeft 5 - UpRight 6 - DownLeft 7 - DownRight 5 - ChangeContrast ------------------ usage: real(5,Contrast_Function,ContrastVal Contrast_Function = Contrast returned in Ans (0-39). 0 = Set Contrast, 1 = Get Contrast ContrastVal = New contrast value. Can be a value from 0-39 6 - UpdateLCD ------------- usage: real(6 This function will copy the graph buffer to the LCD 7 - RunIndicator ---------------- usage: real(7,runIndicVal runIndicVal = Toggle Run Indicator. 0 = Off, 1 = On 8 - GetKey ---------- usage: real(8 Scans the keypad and returns a key code in the ANS variable. Has support for multiple Arrow Keypresses Key Codes: ---------- F1 = 53 F2 = 52 F3 = 51 F4 = 50 F5 = 49 2nd = 54 Mode = 55 Del = 56 Down = 1 Left = 2 Right = 3 Up = 4 DownLeft = 5 DownRight = 6 UpLeft = 7 UpRight = 8 Alpha = 48 XTN = 40 Stat = 32 Math = 47 Apps = 39 Prgm = 31 Vars = 23 Clear = 15 X1 = 46 Sin = 38 Cos = 30 Tan = 22 Power = 14 X2 = 45 Comma = 37 LeftPara = 29 RightPara = 21 Divide = 13 Multiply = 12 Subtract = 11 Add = 10 Enter = 9 Log = 44 Ln = 43 Sto = 42 0 = 33 1 = 34 2 = 26 3 = 18 4 = 35 5 = 27 6 = 19 7 = 36 8 = 28 9 = 20 Period = 141 Negative = 140 9 - CreatePIC ------------- usage: real(9,cPIC_Funtion,cPIC_Num cPIC_Function = Function to perform. 0 = StorePIC, 1 = DeletePIC cPIC_Num = Number of PIC file to store to. Ranges from 1-255 *NOTE* PIC0 is actually PIC10 according to the TIOS. To store to PIC0 use: real(9,10 *IMPORTANT* Because the PIC's use tokens in their name that the TIOS doesnt really have (for PICS) the names in your memory mgmt will be all strange, ex: PIC0 inString( P/Y Z-Test( THIS IS PERFECTLY NORMAL, nothing is wrong with your calc. The TIOS just doesnt have the names for PIC variables above the 10th. To transfer these PICs to your calc you MUST GROUP THEM. Sending may fail if you attempt to send them individually. 10 - ExecuteArchivedProg ------------------------ usage: "PRGMNAME:real(10,exAction,Prgm_Dest:prgmXTEMP0XX "PRGMNAME = Name of program to be stored in the ANS variable. Program can be ARCHIVED or in RAM exAction = Action to perform. 0 = copy, 1 = clean specific, 2 = clean all Prgm_Dest = Destination XTEMP program. Ranges from 0-15 This function will copy a program from the ARCHIVE or RAM to one of 16 XTEMP programs. The name of the program to copy must be stored in the ANS variable prior to running this function. This function will work with BASIC and TIOS ASM (nostub) programs. For example, to copy the BASIC program ADEMO to XTEMP000 you would do: "ADEMO real(10,0,0 To copy the BASIC program MAP1 to XTEMP011, and then RUN XTEMP011 you would do: "MAP1 real(10,0,11 prgmXTEMP011 To copy the **TIOS ASM** program SCROLL to XTEMP009, and then RUN XTEMP009 you would do: "SCROLL real(10,0,11 Asm(prgmXTEMP011 To REMOVE program XTEMP006 you would do: real(10,1,6 To REMOVE ALL XTEMP0XX programs you would do: real(10,2,0 *NOTE* If the XTEMP0XX program already exists (in RAM or ARCHIVE) then this function will exit without copying. You must manually remove the target program before attempting to replace it. (This is to stop accidents with nested programs trying to replace themselves). 11 - GetCalcVersion ------------------- usage: real(11 Returns a code in the ANS variable which will tell you what calc version you are running. 83+ = 0 83+ SE = 1 84+ = 2 84+ SE = 3 12 - DrawShape -------------- usage: real(12,Shape_Type,x1,y1,x2,y2,DrawShape_UpdateLCD Shape_Type = Tpye of Shape you want to draw: 0 = DrawSingleLineBlack 1 = DrawSingleLineWhite 2 = DrawSingleLineInvert 3 = DrawEmptyRectangleBlack 4 = DrawEmptyRectangleWhite 5 = DrawEmptyRectangleInvert 6 = DrawFilledRectangleBlack 7 = DrawFilledRectangleWhite 8 = DrawFilledRectangleInvert 9 = DrawRectOutlineBlackFillWhite 10 = DrawRectOutlineWhiteFillBlack x1 = First x coord (for rectangles this is TOP LEFT corner) y1 = First y coord (for rectangles this is TOP LEFT corner) x2 = Second x coord (for rectangles this is BOTTOM RIGHT corner) y2 = Second y coord (for rectangles this is BOTTOM RIGHT corner) Scrl_UpdateLCD = Toggle LCD update 0 = No, 1 = Yes 13 - TextMode -------------- usage: real(13,TextFunction,Text_Char TextFunction = 0 = Normal, 1 = Inverse, 2 = Lowercase on, 3 = Lowercase off, 4 = Display Character If TextFunction = 4: Text_Char = Number of character to display (0 - 255). When Lowercase is enabled, press ALPHA twice to enter lowercase mode in the TIOS. *NOTE* Some TIOS functions (like errors and some menus) automatically reset these textflag's to Normal. 14 - CheckRAM ------------- usage: real(14 Returns the amount of FREE RAM in ANS End of Functions List. *WARNING*: You MUST provide the correct inputs for each function. If you do not you risk a crash or worse. DO NOT TRY TO RUN YOUR BASIC PROGRAM FROM MIRAGEOS!!!! I use a saferam area that MirageOS uses, it may cause instability. Credits & Thanks: ----------------- Dan Weiss (DWedit) - APP Devkit 2.0 Dan Englender (Dan_E) - WikiTI Sean McLaughlin (Sigma) - Ideas for masked/clipped sprite routine wihtout smc Patai Gergely (CoBB) - PindurTI, greatest 83+ emulator by far Badja - Initial Clipped line routine James Montelongo (Jim e) & YUKI - DI wrapper routine ideas Texas Instruments (TI) - SDK and System Routine Documentation Kevin Ouellet (Kevin, xlibman) - Testing & ideas George Daole-Wellman (Dysfunction) - Testing & ideas Kalan Scallan (kalan_vod) - Testing & ideas Fred Sparks (CDI, [froody]) - Testing & ideas threefingeredguy - Testing & ideas Shaun McFall (Merthsoft) - Testing & ideas Fred Shen (dragon__lance) - Testing & ideas Brian Benson (Necro) - Testing & ideas Jesko Roos (lolje) - Testing, bug finding (storepic bug!) Everyone on MaxCoderz Forums Everyone in #TCPA (EfNet) If i forgot you please email me and i will update this section. Disclaimer: ----------- This program is still in early stages and may contain bugs. Program is use at own risk, I can not be held responsible for loss of data and or hardware damage. If you have any questions please email me at: I have no problem with anyone using this program as long as you credit me properly. Please dont try to modify and/or pass this program off as your own with out first gaining my consent.