PROGRAM: Snail Maze VERSION: 1.0.0 AUTHOR: James Vernon DESCRIPTION: Clone of the original Sega Master System maze game MACHINES: TI-84+CE PLATFORMS: TI-OS (via "Asm(" command) RELEASED: December 2015 ################## ## Introduction ## ################## Snail Maze is a clone of the 1986 Sega Master System game that was included on the BIOS as a built-in game. Guide the snail through 12 mazes to the goal "G" before the time runs out. ################## ## Installation ## ################## Use TI Connect CE to send the file "snailmze.8xp" to your calculator. To run the game, select the "Asm(" command from the catalog menu, press [PRGM] and select SNAILMZE. ########## ## Keys ## ########## Arrow keys Move [MODE]/[CLEAR] Quit ################# ## Source Code ## ################# The source code to this game is included in this zip file, and you are free to use any bits of code if you find them useful. However I would appreciate if credit is given where it is due (to either me for my code or others for bits of code that I’ve borrowed) :) ################ ## Disclaimer ## ################ This program is written in assembly language and therefore could crash your calculator, although it has been tested extensively and shouldn't cause any issues. In any case, I take no responsibility for the consequences of you using this program on your calculator. To avoid any potential data loss, I recommend archiving any programs/variables on your calculator before running this or any other assembly program/application. ################## ## Thanks to... ## ################## Many thanks go out to the following people: - Jimmy Mardell & Florent Dhordain for the Huffman routines. - WikiTI for the collection of 84+CE information. - Matt "MateoConLechuga" Waltz for the Pac-Man 84+CE source, which I used to check a couple of 84+CE quirks. - calc84maniac for SPASM-ng. - Sega for the original Snail Maze. ################### ## Closing Notes ## ################### Feel free to email with any issues / bug reports. Snail Maze Version 1.0.0 Copyright ©2015 James Vernon