// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Id:$ // // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // // This source is available for distribution and/or modification // only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as // published by id Software. All rights reserved. // // The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the DOOM Source Code License // for more details. // // $Log:$ // // DESCRIPTION: // DOOM main program (D_DoomMain) and game loop (D_DoomLoop), // plus functions to determine game mode (shareware, registered), // parse command line parameters, configure game parameters (turbo), // and call the startup functions. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //static const char rcsid[] = "$Id: d_main.c,v 1.8 1997/02/03 22:45:09 b1 Exp $"; #define BGCOLOR 7 #define FGCOLOR 8 #include #include "doomdef.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "dstrings.h" #include "z_zone.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "f_finale.h" #include "f_wipe.h" #include "m_misc.h" #include "m_menu.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "i_video.h" #include "g_game.h" #include "hu_stuff.h" #include "wi_stuff.h" #include "st_stuff.h" #include "am_map.h" #include "p_setup.h" #include "r_local.h" #include "d_main.h" #include "c_common.h" // CX port #include "charmap.h" // CX port #include "browse.h" // CX port #include "screen.h" // // D-DoomLoop() // Not a globally visible function, // just included for source reference, // called by D_DoomMain, never exits. // Manages timing and IO, // calls all ?_Responder, ?_Ticker, and ?_Drawer, // calls I_GetTime, I_StartFrame, and I_StartTic // void D_DoomLoop (void); char* wadfiles[MAXWADFILES]; char* current_dir; boolean devparm; // started game with -devparm boolean nomonsters; // checkparm of -nomonsters boolean respawnparm; // checkparm of -respawn boolean fastparm; // checkparm of -fast boolean drone; boolean singletics = true; boolean fuck = false; extern boolean inhelpscreens; skill_t startskill; int startepisode; int startmap; boolean autostart; FILE* debugfile; boolean advancedemo; char wadfile[1024]; // primary wad file char mapdir[1024]; // directory of development maps char basedefault[1024]; // default file void D_ProcessEvents (void); void G_BuildTiccmd (ticcmd_t* cmd); void D_DoAdvanceDemo (void); // // D_PostEvent // Called by the I/O functions when input is detected // void D_PostEvent (event_t* ev) { if (M_Responder (ev)) return; // menu ate the event G_Responder (ev); } // // D_Display // draw current display, possibly wiping it from the previous // // wipegamestate can be set to -1 to force a wipe on the next draw gamestate_t wipegamestate = GS_DEMOSCREEN; extern boolean setsizeneeded; extern int showMessages; void R_ExecuteSetViewSize (void); void D_Display (void) { static boolean viewactivestate = false; static boolean menuactivestate = false; static boolean inhelpscreensstate = false; static boolean fullscreen = false; static gamestate_t oldgamestate = -1; static int borderdrawcount; int nowtime; int tics; int wipestart; int y; boolean done; boolean wipe; boolean redrawsbar; redrawsbar = false; // change the view size if needed if (setsizeneeded) { R_ExecuteSetViewSize (); oldgamestate = -1; // force background redraw borderdrawcount = 3; } // save the current screen if about to wipe if (gamestate != wipegamestate) { wipe = true; wipe_StartScreen(0, 0, SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT); } else wipe = false; if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL && gametic) HU_Erase(); // do buffered drawing switch (gamestate) { case GS_LEVEL: if (!gametic) break; if (automapactive) AM_Drawer (); if (wipe || (viewheight != 200 && fullscreen) ) redrawsbar = true; if (inhelpscreensstate && !inhelpscreens) redrawsbar = true; // just put away the help screen ST_Drawer (viewheight == 200, redrawsbar ); fullscreen = viewheight == 200; break; case GS_INTERMISSION: WI_Drawer (); break; case GS_FINALE: F_Drawer (); break; case GS_DEMOSCREEN: D_PageDrawer (); break; } // draw the view directly if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL && !automapactive && gametic) R_RenderPlayerView (&players[0]); if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL && gametic) HU_Drawer (); menuactivestate = menuactive; viewactivestate = viewactive; inhelpscreensstate = inhelpscreens; oldgamestate = gamestate; // draw pause pic if (paused) { if (automapactive) y = 4; else y = viewwindowy+4; V_DrawPatchDirect(viewwindowx+(scaledviewwidth-68)/2, y ,0 ,W_CacheLumpName ("M_PAUSE", PU_CACHE) ); } // menus go directly to the screen M_Drawer (); // menu is drawn even on top of everything // normal update if (!wipe) { I_Flip (); // page flip or blit buffer return; } // wipe update wipe_EndScreen(0, 0, SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT); wipestart = I_GetTime () - 1; do { do { nowtime = I_GetTime (); tics = nowtime - wipestart; } while (tics<=0); wipestart = nowtime; done = wipe_ScreenWipe(wipe_Melt, SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT, tics); M_Drawer (); // menu is drawn even on top of wipes I_Flip (); // page flip or blit buffer } while (!done); gamestate = oldgamestate; wipegamestate= oldgamestate; } // // D_DoomLoop // extern boolean demorecording; void D_DoomLoop (void) { if (demorecording) G_BeginRecording (); I_InitGraphics (); while (!fuck) { I_StartTic (); if (advancedemo) D_DoAdvanceDemo (); M_Ticker (); //Menu ticker G_Ticker (); //Game ticker gametic++; // Update display, next frame, with current state D_Display (); } I_ShutdownGraphics(); free(current_dir); fclose(lumpinfo->handle); //printf("%i",-(int)(lumpinfo->handle)); free(lumpinfo); free(lumpcache); return; } // // DEMO LOOP // int demosequence; int pagetic; char *pagename; // // D_PageTicker // Handles timing for warped projection // void D_PageTicker (void) { if (--pagetic < 0) D_AdvanceDemo (); } // // D_PageDrawer // void D_PageDrawer (void) { V_DrawPatch (0,0, 0, W_CacheLumpName(pagename, PU_CACHE)); } // // D_AdvanceDemo // Called after each demo or intro demosequence finishes // void D_AdvanceDemo (void) { advancedemo = true; } int episode = 1; int map = 1; int skill = 2; // // This cycles through the demo sequences. // FIXME - version dependend demo numbers? // void D_DoAdvanceDemo (void) { ///HAX HAX HAX pagename = "TITLEPIC"; V_DrawPatch (0,0, 0, W_CacheLumpName(pagename, PU_CACHE)); gamestate= GS_LEVEL; // G_DeferedInitNew(2,1,1); // CX port G_DeferedInitNew(skill,episode,map); // CX port advancedemo= false; ///HAX HAX HAX /* UNCOMMENT AFTER DEMO PLAYING WORKS!!! players[consoleplayer].playerstate = PST_LIVE; // not reborn advancedemo = false; usergame = false; // no save / end game here paused = false; gameaction = ga_nothing; if ( gamemode == retail ) demosequence = (demosequence+1)%7; else demosequence = (demosequence+1)%6; switch (demosequence) { case 0: if ( gamemode == commercial ) pagetic = 35 * 11; else pagetic = 170; gamestate = GS_DEMOSCREEN; pagename = "TITLEPIC"; break; case 1: G_DeferedPlayDemo ("demo1"); break; case 2: pagetic = 200; gamestate = GS_DEMOSCREEN; pagename = "CREDIT"; break; case 3: G_DeferedPlayDemo ("demo2"); break; case 4: gamestate = GS_DEMOSCREEN; if ( gamemode == commercial) { pagetic = 35 * 11; pagename = "TITLEPIC"; } else { pagetic = 200; if ( gamemode == retail ) pagename = "CREDIT"; else pagename = "HELP2"; } break; case 5: G_DeferedPlayDemo ("demo3"); break; // THE DEFINITIVE DOOM Special Edition demo case 6: G_DeferedPlayDemo ("demo4"); break; }*/ } // // D_StartTitle // void D_StartTitle (void) { gameaction = ga_nothing; demosequence = -1; D_AdvanceDemo (); } // print title for every printed line char title[128]; int nwad=0; // // D_AddFile // void D_AddFile (char *file) { wadfiles[nwad] = file; nwad++; wadfiles[nwad]=0; } void menu(int neps) { I_DispHeader(); drwBufStr(getScreen(), 0, 11*CHAR_HEIGHT, " [tab] to patch game", 0, 1); drwBufStr(getScreen(), 0, 13*CHAR_HEIGHT, "Skill : [-] [+]", 0, 1); drwBufStr(getScreen(), 0, 14*CHAR_HEIGHT, "Map : [C] [D]", 0, 1); drwBufStr(getScreen(), 0, 18*CHAR_HEIGHT, " For guns and glory press Enter!", 0, 1); drwBufStr(getScreen(), 0, 19*CHAR_HEIGHT, " For work and worry press Esc...", 0, 1); if(neps>1) drwBufStr(getScreen(), 0, 15*CHAR_HEIGHT, "Episode: [(] [)]", 0, 1); } #define NDLESS_CONFIG "/documents/ndless/ndless.cfg.tns" void addshellext(char* extension, char* name) { FILE * ndlesscfg = fopen(NDLESS_CONFIG, "r"); if(ndlesscfg != NULL) { /* Search for extension in ndless.cfg */ fseek(ndlesscfg, 0, SEEK_END); unsigned length = ftell(ndlesscfg); rewind(ndlesscfg); char * whole_file = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (length + 1)); memset(whole_file, 0, length); fread(whole_file, sizeof(char), length, ndlesscfg); whole_file[length] = 0; char * line = whole_file; char * eol = whole_file; int found = 0; while((unsigned)(eol - whole_file) < length) { eol = strchr(line, '\n'); *eol = 0; char * point = strchr(line, '.'); if(point) { *point = 0; char * ext = point + 1; char * equal = strchr(ext, '='); if(equal) { *equal = 0; if(strcmp(ext, extension) == 0) { found = 1; break; } } } line = eol + 1; } /* If not found, add the extension */ if(!found) { fclose(ndlesscfg); ndlesscfg = fopen(NDLESS_CONFIG, "a"); fprintf(ndlesscfg, "\next.%s=%s\n", extension, name); } fclose(ndlesscfg); free(whole_file); } else { ndlesscfg = fopen(NDLESS_CONFIG, "w"); fprintf(ndlesscfg, "ext.%s=%s\n", extension, name); fclose(ndlesscfg); } } // // D_DoomMain // extern int mode_bits; unsigned char sscreen[SCREEN_SIZE]; void D_DoomMain (int argc, char* argv[]) { int i; addshellext("wad","ndoom"); char* loc=argv[0]; //Find the current directory I_GetMainDir(loc); int ok_wad=0; int selected=1; strcpy(doomwad,current_dir); startScreen(); convertRGB565(sscreen, SCR_320x240_565); while(!ok_wad) { char* t =doomwad+strlen(doomwad)-1; while(*t!='/') t--; *(t+1)=0; if(argc>1) { strcpy(doomwad,argv[1]); selected=1; argc=1; } else selected=chooseFile(doomwad,doomwad,"Choose Doom/Doom2 compatible IWAD file:"); if(!selected) return; D_AddFile (doomwad); ok_wad=W_InitMultipleFiles (wadfiles); } if(W_CheckNumForName("MAP01")!=-1) gamemode=commercial; else if(W_CheckNumForName("E1M1")==-1) gamemode=indetermined; else if (W_CheckNumForName("E2M1")==-1) gamemode=shareware; else if (W_CheckNumForName("E4M1")==-1) gamemode=registered; else gamemode=retail; if(gamemode == indetermined) // CX port return; // CX port char* doomwadf = doomwad+strlen(doomwad)-1; // CX port while(*doomwadf!='/') doomwadf--; // CX port strcpy(doomsav,doomwadf); // CX port doomsav[strlen(doomsav)-7]='s'; // CX port doomsav[strlen(doomsav)-5]='v'; // CX port char res[6]; int maxepisode=1; while(true) { sprintf(res,"E%iM1",maxepisode+1); if (W_CheckNumForName(res)==-1) break; maxepisode++; } int maxmap=1; while(true) { if(gamemode==commercial) sprintf(res,"MAP%02i",maxmap+1); else sprintf(res,"E1M%i",maxmap+1); if (W_CheckNumForName(res)==-1) break; maxmap++; } int rskill=1; menu(maxepisode); int refresh=0; /* I_DispHeader(); drwBufStr(getScreen(), 0, 11*CHAR_HEIGHT, "Skill: [-] [+]", 0, 1); drwBufStr(getScreen(), 0, 18*CHAR_HEIGHT, " For guns and glory press Enter!", 0, 1); drwBufStr(getScreen(), 0, 19*CHAR_HEIGHT, " For work and worry press Esc...", 0, 1); if(maxepisode>1) drwBufStr(getScreen(), 0, 15*CHAR_HEIGHT, "Episode: [(] [)]", 0, 1); */ int repisode=1; int rmap=1; char temp[3]; char* tmp; char* tmpwad; char* tmpwad2; // strcpy(tmpwad,doomwad); do { if(isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_TAB)) { tmpwad2=malloc(512); strcpy(tmpwad2,doomwad); tmpwad=tmpwad2; char* t =tmpwad+strlen(tmpwad)-1; while(*t!='/') t--; *(t+1)=0; selected=chooseFile(tmpwad,tmpwad,"Choose Doom/Doom2 compatible PWAD file:"); if(selected) { D_AddFile(tmpwad); ok_wad = W_InitMultipleFiles(wadfiles); if(!ok_wad) { nwad--; free(tmpwad); wadfiles[nwad]=0; } } menu(maxepisode); refresh=1; while(any_key_pressed()); } if(maxepisode>1) { if(isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_RP) && episode1) { episode--; repisode=1; while(isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_LP)); } if(repisode || refresh) { sprintf(temp,"%02i",episode); drwBufStr(getScreen(), 13*CHAR_WIDTH, 15*CHAR_HEIGHT, temp, 0, 0); repisode = 0; } } if(isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_C) && map>1) { map--; rmap=1; while(isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_C)); } if(isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_D) && map0) { skill--; rskill=1; while(isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_MINUS)); } if(rskill || refresh) { if(skill==0) tmp="I'm too young to die"; else if(skill==1) tmp=" Hey, not to rough "; else if(skill==2) tmp=" Hurt me plenty "; else if(skill==3) tmp=" Ultra-Violence "; else if(skill==4) tmp=" Nightmare! "; drwBufStr(getScreen(), 13*CHAR_WIDTH, 13*CHAR_HEIGHT, tmp, 0, 0); rskill = 0; } refresh=0; } while(!isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_ESC) && !isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_ENTER) && !isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_RET) && !isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_CLICK)); if(isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_ESC)) // CX port return; // CX port modifiedgame = false; nomonsters = 0; respawnparm = 0; fastparm = 0; devparm = 0; switch ( gamemode ) { case retail: sprintf (title, "The Ultimate DOOM Startup v%i.%i", VERSION/100,VERSION%100); break; case shareware: sprintf (title, "DOOM Shareware Startup v%i.%i", VERSION/100,VERSION%100); break; case registered: sprintf (title, "DOOM Registered Startup v%i.%i", VERSION/100,VERSION%100); break; case commercial: sprintf (title, "DOOM 2: Hell on Earth v%i.%i", VERSION/100,VERSION%100); break; default: sprintf (title, "Public DOOM - v%i.%i", VERSION/100,VERSION%100); break; } printf ("%s\n",title); // get skill / episode / map from parms // DON'T, LEFT IN UNTIL OPCHECK if(skill==0) startskill = sk_baby; else if(skill==1) startskill = sk_easy; else if(skill==2) startskill = sk_medium; else if(skill==3) startskill = sk_hard; else if(skill==4) startskill = sk_nightmare; startepisode = episode; startmap = map; // G_DeferedInitNew(2,1,1); // CX port autostart = false; // init subsystems printf ("V_Init: Allocate screens\n"); V_Init (); printf ("Z_Init: Init zone memory allocation daemon \n"); Z_Init (); printf ("W_Init: Init WADfiles\n"); printf("Running from %s \n",current_dir); W_InitMultipleFiles (wadfiles); for(i=1;i