.nolist #define EQU .equ #include "ti83asm.inc" #include "tokens.inc" #define xcoord 8270h #define ycoord 8271h #define oldxcoord 8272h #define oldycoord 8273h #define tub_index 8275h .list .org 9327h START: ; Turn the indicator to off and clear screen call RINDOFF ; Turn off runindicator call BUFCLR call TITLE_LOAD call WAITKEY call BUFCLR call FIRST_LEVEL_INIT game: ; On Remet l'index sur le premier tube (title_load utilise l'index) ld a, 1 ld (tub_index), a call FOCUS_INIT call MAP_LOAD call PRINT_OCLOCK call UPDATE_TIMER call BUFCOPY loop: call MOVE_SCAN_KEY call SELECT_SCAN_KEY ; Verifier que le temps n'est pas ecoule... ld a, (timeup) or a jp z, fin_level call UPDATE_TIMER jp loop fin_level: ; Coordonnees du robinet ld b, 72 ld c, 32 call WAITKEY ld a, 1 ld (leak), a ; Verifier le premier tube call CHECK_FIRST_TUBE ld a, (leak) cp 0 call nz, PARSE_TUBE_A_GAUCHE ; verifier les suivants ; Ici on verifie si le circuit n'a pas de fuite ld a, (leak) cp 1 call z, NEXT_LEVEL fin_du_jeu: call BUFCLR call _CLRLCDFULL ret .end end victory: .db "victory", 0 ; Warning, these include MUST be at the end !!!! #include "title.asm" #include "map.asm" #include "move.asm" #include "timer.asm" #include "score.asm" #include "oil.asm" #include "level.asm" #include "sprites.asm" #include "drawspr.asm" #include "init.asm" #include "effect.asm"