;+----------------------------------------+ ;| Doors CS v7.0 Include File | ;| TI-83+/TI-84+ Version | ;| Revised July 6, 2010 | ;| By Kerm Martian | ;| | ;| Please see http://dcs.cemetech.net for | ;| information and updates including a | ;| full Developers' SDK. | ;+----------------------------------------+ ;----> Safe Memory Areas ; saferam1 EQU 768 bytes (APDRAM) ; saferam2 EQU 531 bytes (statRAM) ; saferam3 EQU 128 bytes (textMem) ; saferam4 EQU 66 bytes (OpXs) ; saferam5 EQU 10 bytes (iMathPtrs) SEram EQU 086EC saferam1 EQU 9872h saferam2 EQU 8A3Ah saferam3 EQU 8508h saferam4 EQU 8478h saferamp EQU 9872h saferamp2 EQU 8251h iversion EQU 04083h irandom EQU 04086h isprite EQU 04089h ilsprite EQU 0408Ch igetpix EQU 0408Fh ifastcopy EQU 04092h idetect EQU 04095h idecomp EQU 04098h ionversion EQU 04083h ionrandom EQU 04086h ionputsprite EQU 04089h ionlargesprite EQU 0408Ch iongetpixel EQU 0408Fh ionfastcopy EQU 04092h iondetect EQU 04095h iondecompress EQU 04098h iputsprite EQU 04089h ilargesprite EQU 0408Ch igetpixel EQU 0408Fh idecompress EQU 04098h ;*************************; ;* MirageOS Subroutines *; ;*************************; directin EQU 0409Bh sendbytetios EQU 0409Eh getbytetios EQU 040A1h version EQU 040A4h setvputs EQU 040A7h setpixel EQU 040AAh fastcopys EQU 040ADh delayb EQU 040B0h multhe EQU 040B3h multhl EQU 040B6h quittoshell EQU 040B9h fastline EQU 040BCh pixelonhl EQU 040BFh pixeloff EQU 040C2h pixelxor EQU 040C5h pixeltest EQU 040C8h pixeloffhl EQU 040CBh pixelxorhl EQU 040DEh pixeltesthl EQU 040D1h fastlineb EQU 040D4h fastlinew EQU 040D7h fastlinex EQU 040DAh pointonc EQU 040DDh pointoffc EQU 040E0h pointxorc EQU 040E3h centertext EQU 040E6h cphlbc EQU 040E9h putsprite8 EQU 040ECh fastcopyb EQU 040EFh vputsc EQU 040F2h scrolld7 EQU 040F5h vnewline EQU 040F8h rand127 EQU 040FBh disprle EQU 040FEh cphlde EQU 04101h screentopic EQU 04104h fastlined EQU 04107h disprlel EQU 0410Ah getnextgoodprog EQU 0410Dh getprevgoodprog EQU 04110h getnext EQU 04113h getprev EQU 04116h compstrs EQU 04119h nextstr EQU 0411Ch getinfo EQU 0411Fh fastrectangle EQU 04122h gettext EQU 04125h gettextv EQU 04128h FastRectangle_Save EQU 0412Bh vputa EQU 0412Eh runprog EQU 04131h isgoodprog EQU 04134h existfold EQU 04137h delprog EQU 0413Ah filledrectangle EQU 0413Dh nextfolder EQU 04140h delfolder EQU 04143h moveall EQU 04149h curfoldname EQU 04149h curfoldnamea EQU 0414Ch createfolder EQU 0414Fh compstrsn EQU 04152h folder_menu_start EQU 04155h options_screen EQU 04158h put_folder_name_top EQU 0415Bh general_key_routine EQU 0415Eh find_num_good_progs EQU 04161h put_scrollbar EQU 04164h invert_lines EQU 04167h invert_1_line EQU 0416Ah right_align_value EQU 0416Dh put_mirageos_header EQU 04170h put_size_graphic EQU 04173h sendprog EQU 04176h hideprog EQU 04179h arcprog EQU 0417Ch filledrectangle_save EQU 0417Fh getbytetiosw EQU 04182h vatswap EQU 04185h renameprog EQU 04188h renamefolder EQU 0418Bh sysmain EQU 0418Eh setupint EQU 04191h move_gui_prog EQU 04194h largespritehl EQU 04197h Update_Scrollbar EQU 0419Ah Initial_Scrollbar EQU 0419Dh sortallfolds EQU 041A0h dofoldsort EQU 041A3h getfoldsort EQU 041A6h setfoldsort EQU 041A9h Increase_Cur_Element EQU 041ACh Decrease_Cur_Element EQU 041AFh Increase_Max_Elements EQU 041B2h Decrease_Max_Elements EQU 041B5h Add_A_To_Cur_Element EQU 041B8h Sub_A_From_Cur_Element EQU 041BBh Add_A_To_Max_Elements EQU 041BEh Sub_A_From_Max_Elements EQU 041C1h Skip_Forward_B_From_Top EQU 041C4h Get_Curgoodprog_Ptr EQU 041C7h getchecksum EQU 041CAh freearc EQU 041CDh swapram EQU 041D0h hideall EQU 041D3h Small_Window EQU 041D6h ClrDialogFull EQU 041D9h LargeWindow EQU 041DCh ClrWinFull EQU 041DFh PlaySound EQU 041E2h VDispHL EQU 041E5h Pause EQU 041E8h hDetect EQU 041EBh OpenGUIStack EQU 041EEh CloseGUIStack EQU 041F1h PushGUIStack EQU 041F4h PopGUIStack EQU 041F7h RenderGUI EQU 041FAh PopGUIStacks EQU 041FDh GUIMouse EQU 04200h GUIFindFirst EQU 04203h GUIFindNext EQU 04206h ResetAppPage EQU 04000h Cn2_Setup EQU 04209h Cn2_Clear_SendBuf EQU 0420Ch Cn2_Clear_RecBuf EQU 0420Fh Cn2_Setdown EQU 04212h FileOpen EQU 04215h FileSave EQU 04218h FileSaveAs EQU 0421Bh DispLongInt EQU 0421Eh Cn2_GetK EQU 04221h DPutMap EQU 04224h APGui_gui7ToTop EQU 04227h PushGUIStacks EQU 0422Ah GUIFindThis EQU 0422Dh ;null EQU 000 ;LargeWin EQU 001 ;SmallWin EQU 002 ;FullScreenImg EQU 003 ;Text EQU 004 ;WinButtons EQU 005 ;WrappedText EQU 006 ;ButtonText EQU 007 ;ButtonImg EQU 008 ;TextLineIn EQU 009 ;Radio EQU 00A ;Checkbox EQU 00B ;ByteInt EQU 00C ;WordInt EQU 00D ;Hotspot EQU 00E ;TextMultiline EQU 00F ;Sprite EQU 010 ;LargeSprite EQU 011 ;PassIn EQU 012 ;ScrollVert EQU 013 ;ScrollHoriz EQU 014 ;Border EQU 015 ;Rect EQU 016 ;Custom EQU 017 ;MouseCursor EQU 018 GUIRnull EQU 000h ;COMPLETE XY [none] GUIRLargeWin EQU 001h ;COMPLETE -- [5 byte icon, header text] GUIRSmallWin EQU 002h ;COMPLETE XY [x,y, 5 byte icon, header text] GUIRFullScreenImg EQU 003h ;COMPLETE XY [768 bytes] GUIRText EQU 004h ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,font,z.t. text] GUIRWinButtons EQU 005h ;COMPLETE -- [which {-,[],X,00000}, onclick[-] {word}, onclick[] {word}, onclick[X] {word}] GUIRWrappedText EQU 006h ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,width,font,z.t. text] GUIRButtonText EQU 007h ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,onclick {word},zt text] GUIRButtonImg EQU 008h ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,onclick {word},img width [BYTES],button width [PX], img data (5 rows high)] GUIRTextLineIn EQU 009h ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,width,maxchar [word],curdatapos (0 to datalength) [word],data (z.t.)] GUIRRadio EQU 00Ah ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,group,state {bool},zttext] 1 per group GUIRCheckbox EQU 00Bh ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,group,state {bool},zttext] ++ per group GUIRByteInt EQU 00Ch ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,value,min,max] GUIRWordInt EQU 00Dh ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,value,min,max] GUIRHotspot EQU 00Eh ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,width,height,ptr] GUIRTextMultiline EQU 00Fh ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,rows,width,curdatapos (0 to datalength) [word],data] GUIRSprite EQU 010h ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,b,data] GUIRLargeSprite EQU 011h ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,a,b,data] GUIRPassIn EQU 012h ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,width,maxchar [word],curdatapos (0 to datalength) [word],data (z.t.)] GUIRScrollVert EQU 013h ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,height,ID,per,min [word],max [word],cur [word],onScrollUp,onScrollDown] GUIRScrollHoriz EQU 014h ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,width,ID,per,min [word],max [word],cur [word],onScrollUp,onScrollDown] GUIRBorder EQU 015h ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,width,height,color] GUIRRect EQU 016h ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,width,height,fill] GUIRCustom EQU 017h ;COMPLETE -- [ptr_to_routine] GUIRMouseCursor EQU 018h ;COMPLETE -- [xy,xy,8-byte mask,8-byte sprite] GUIRMouseClick EQU 019h ;other compatibility equates ;End of file ;end