PCTOOLS File Manager SOURCE CODE APILib Library SOURCE CODE (c) NeXO Software - Benoit SCHERRER / Ibrahim ------------------------------------------------------- Here is the huge source code of PCTools and ApiLib. It is distributed under GNU General License. HOW TO COMPILE -------------- The assembly code is in '.s' files, and are pre-compiled with MultiASM and PreFargo. There is unfortunaly no makefile. I started the project a very long time ago and I didn't really know the use of makefile. To compile you have just to modify the 'cfg4compil.bat' file, by setting your PREOS path. And that's all ! CARDWARE -------- If you use any part of the source code in one of your projets PLEASE make a little comment in the documentation of your program. And send me a nice postcard of where you live!!! It's not a very big thing, compared to the amount of time I spent on programming PCTOOLS. -------------------------------------------------------- Benoit Scherrer