------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PreFargo by David Kühling 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================= Contents ======================================= 1. Introduction 2. Usage 3. PreFargo's Functionality 1. Simple Operations 2. Macros and Equates 1. Macros 1. IMPORTANT 2. Equates 3. Include Files 4. Conditional Assembling 1. #ifdef 2. #ifndef 3. #else 4. #endif 5. #error 5. Local Symbols 4. Suggestions 5. End ======================================= 1. Introduction ======================================= PreFargo is a very powerful precompiler for the Fargo assembler, or any other programming language. It's features are: * C-like comments: /* ... */ and //... * Spaces and Tabulators after commas are removed. This enables you to write e.g. `move.w d0, d1' instead of `move.w d0,d1'. * Filename and linenumbers are concatenated to every precompiled line. This will make it easier, to locate assembler errors. * C-like macros, e.g: #define x y #undef x #define f(x) y x y #define f(x) { y x y } #define f(x,ellipse...) y x y f(ellipse) * Equates: #equ x y * Include files (that are also PreFargo precompiled): #include #include "file" * Conditional assembling, by #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, #endif and #error. * Local symbols, e.g: #local a,b,c ... #endlocal ======================================= 2. Usage ======================================= Normally you will just use `Prefargo.bat', to precompile and assemble your programms. `Prefargo.bat' works almost like `Fargo.bat', but it expects you to pass it a file, that ends on `.s' instead on `.asm'. `Prefargo.bat' will just precompile the `.s' - file to an `.asm' - file, and pass the `.asm' file to Fargo.bat. If you want to do this somehow else, you can get a summary on the command line options of PreComp.exe, by executing it without arguments. ======================================= 3. PreFargo's Functionality ======================================= This section contains detailed explanations of all PreFargo's features. --------------------------------------- 3. 1. Simple Operations --------------------------------------- PreFargo won't copy any comment to the destination file. Valid comments are: * Comments, that are surrounded by `/*' and `*/', e.g.: /* simple comment */ /** * multi line comment */ You can even nest this kind of comment: /* move.w d0, d1 /* d1.w = d0.w */ */ * Comments, that are introduced by '//' or ';', that extend to the end of line, e.g.: // This is a C++ - like comment ; This is a normal asm comment PreFargo also does a lot other formatings on your programm. It replaces one ore more Spaces or Tabulators by one Tabulator, and it removes Spaces and Tabulators after commas. It is smart enough, to don't do these operations within strings. Multi linebreaks are removed, too. Thereby assembling will be speed up a little bit, and you can use some extended syntax, e.g: move.w d0, d1 instead of: move.w d0,d1 ; I hate this crushed style! When PreFargo reaches the end of line, it will concatenate the filename and linenumber to it, such as `;file(number)'. This will help you to locate errors, that were output by the a68k assembler. If there are passages within your programm, that you don't want to be precompiled, you can surround them by `{' and `}'. PreFargo will also consider nested '{...}' blocks. But for the reason, that it doesn't precompile them, it won't recognize comment-tokens. That's why you shouldn't comment out braces. PreFargo also removes '|'. So this character does nothing. But it can be used as separator, e.g. to separate a word from a macro, that should be extracted (e.g.: In `WordMacro' `Macro' won't be recognized as extra word. but `Word|Macro' is separated during reading, so `Macro' will be recoginzed). --------------------------------------- 3. 2. Macros and Equates --------------------------------------- 3.2.1 Macros -------------- PreFargo supports C-like macros. These macros are quite different to a68k's macros. The syntax of macro declarations is the following: #define MacroName MacroContent This will make PreFargo to replace `MacroName' in the rest of the program by `MacroContent'. (Strings, comments etc. excluded). Macro names may consist of numbers, letters, `_', `@', ':' and '.'. So you should even be able to macros with numbers as name (e.g.: #define 0 $0) You can also declare macros with arguments: #define MacorName(arg1,arg2,arg3) MacroContent Thereby PreFargo will replace every appearanced of `MacroName(x,y,z)' by `MacroContent', with replacing `arg1', `arg2' and `arg3' within MacroContent by `x', `y' and `z'. For example: #define push_long(argument) move.l argument, -(a7) push_long(d0) /* this is replaced by: move.l d0, -(a7) */ You can even declare macros with a variable number of arguments: #define define_bytes(arguments...) dc.b arguments define_bytes(0, 1, 2) /* this is replaced by: dc.b 0, 1, 2 */ `arguments...' just declares `argument' to be an ellipse. This means, that all following arguments are put into it. You can use this feature, to declare recursing macros, for example: #define push_reversed_words(arg1,remainder...) { #ifdef remainder push_reversed_words(remainder) #endif move.w arg1, -(a7) } push_reversed_words(d0,d1) /* this is precompiled to: push_reversed_words(d1) move.w d0,-(a7) and this is further precompiled to: move.w d1,-(a7) move.w d0,-(a7) */ `#ifdef remainder' checks, whether the macro `remainder' is defined. If no extra arguments are passed, `remainder' won't be defined, and the recursion will stop then. As you can see, you can define multi line macros by '{ ... }'. You can even pass multi line arguments: #define loop(commands) { \LoopLable: commands bra \LoopLable } loop ({ sub.w d0, d1 beq Exit }) Exit: /* This is precomiled to: \LoopLable: sub.w d0, d1 beq Exit bra \LoopLable Exit: */ But you should use the `#local' - directive, to do this in a better way. (because if you use the macro many times, `\LoopLable' could appear many times within the resulting asm - file, and this will certainly cause trouble) Note, that macro contents aren't precompiled when the macro is read, but when the macro is expanded. This is the difference to equates. Here a little example: #define MyConstant 0 #define LoadMyConstant move.w #MyConstant, d0 LoadMyConstant // is replaced by `move.w #0, d0' #undef MyConstant // removes the macro `MyConstant' #define MyConstant 1 // redefine the macro `MyConstant' LoadMyConstant // is replaced by `move.w #1, d0' Note, that you can't just redefine an existing macro by `#define Macro xxx'. This will make PreFargo to output a warning. Use `#undef' to remove the macro first. Remember, that you can use '|' to separate macros or macro arguments from words. You can use it for things like: #define push(arg_size, arg) move.|arg_size arg, -(a7) push (w, #$F000) // is extracted to `move.w #$F000, -(a7)' IMPORTANT ------------------- Parantheses within macro calls will be counted. Within inner parantheses commas will be ignored. #define PushEffectiveAddress (ea) { pea ea } PushEffectiveAddress (0(a0,d0.w)) will be precompiled correctly. If you want to pass single parantheses to macros, surround the hole argument by `{{'...`}}'. Never forget, that there mustn't be whitespaces within a macro definition: #define macro (x, y, z) // completely wrong #define macro(x,y,z) // is ok Equates or macros that are defined within another macro will be removed after the macro is expanded. Macros may only redefine existing equates or macros. 3.2.2 Equates --------------- Equates are very similar to macros. But Equates may not contain arguments, and they are precompiled on definition, not on expansion. PreFargo won't also output an error, if an equate is redefined. That's why equates can be used as counters etc.. Equates are defined by `#equ', and removed like macros by `#undef'. Here is the example from 3.2.1, but this time with Equates: #define MyConstant 0 #equ LoadMyConstant move.w #MyConstant, d0 /* because it is an equate, it is directly precompiled to `move.w #0,d0' */ LoadMyConstant // is replaced by `move.w #0, d0' #undef MyConstant // removes the macro `MyConstant' #define MyConstant 1 // redefine the mycro `MyConstant' LoadMyConstant /* is still replaced by `move.w #0, d0', in opposite to the example from 3.2.1 */ Another example: /** * define the equivalent to the C-structure * struct a {int a; long b; int c}; */ #equ Offset 0 #equ a Offset #equ Offset Offset+2 // `int a' takes 2 bytes #equ b Offset #equ Offset Offset+4 // `long b' takes 4 bytes #equ c Offset #undef Offset /** a0 points to such a structure */ move.w a(a0), d0 // load d0.w with structure->a (0(a0)) move.l b(a0), d1 // load d1.l with structure->b (0+2(a0)) move.w c(a0), d2 // load d2.w with structure->c (0+2+4(a0)) --------------------------------------- 3. 3. Include files --------------------------------------- PreFargo can include files into the destination programm by the `#include' directive. Files that are included in this way will also be preprocessed, when they are inserted. There are two ways to specify a file to be included: 1. #include 2. #include "incfile.h" The two examples only differ in the path in which the file is searched. `#include <...>' will search in the `%fargo%\asm\include' directory, or in the directory, that is specified by the `/i' option of PreComp.exe. (see PreFargo.bat) `#include "..."' will search in `%fargo%\asm\prgm', or in the directory, that was specified to PreComp by `/s'. Be carefull, to don't nest #includes. You can check, whether an include-file is allready present, by `#ifdef' and similar directives. See section 3.4. for details. --------------------------------------- 3. 4. Conditional Assembling --------------------------------------- Conditional assembling is done by the keywords `#ifdef', `#ifndef', `#else', `#endif'. These keywords can make PreFargo to include or don't include passages from the source programm into the destination programm, when a macro is/isn't defined. `#error' can be used, to abort PreFargo with an error message. 3.4.1 #ifdef -------------- Example: #ifdef Macro Commands #endif This will insert `Commands' into the destination programm, if the macro `Macro' is defined. Else it will skip everything until it reaches `#endif'. 3.4.2 #ifndef --------------- Example: #ifndef Macro Commands #endif This is the opposite keyword to `#ifdef'. `Commands' will be inserted into the destination, only if the macro `Macro' is _not_ defined. Else everything till `#endif' is skipped. 3.4.3 #else ------------- Example: #ifdef Macro Commands1 #else Commands2 #endif `#else' can be used, to insert commands into the destination, if the above `#ifdef'- or `#ifndef'-block is skipped. In the example `Commands1' will be added to the programm, if `Macro' is defined, else `Commands2' is inserted. 3.4.4 #endif -------------- Terminates a conditional block (see the above examples). 3.4.5 #error -------------- `#error' is used to abort PreFargo with an error message. Example: #ifndef Everything_Ok #error Something is wrong! #endif Conditional assembling can also be used, to make sure, that an include file isn't included twice, e.g.: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /**************************************** * Example.h ** * defines the Fargo library routines example::Routine1 and * example::Routine2 */ #ifndef EXAMPLE_H #define EXAMPLE_H /** * example::Routine1 *------------------- * does nothing */ #equ example::Routine1 example@0000 /** * example::Routine2 *------------------- * does the same as example::Routine1 */ #equ example::Routine2 example@0001 #endif ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this example the include file is skipped, when the macro `EXAMPLE_H' is allready defined. This macro is only defined, when the include-file has allready been included. --------------------------------------- 3. 5. Local Symbols --------------------------------------- Local symbols are defined by `#local', and removed afterwards by `#endlocal'. Example: #local LoopLabel MyFunction1: LoopLabel: ... bra LoopLabel #endlocal In this example `LoopLabel' can only be accessed in the range from `#local' to `#endlocal'. This is done, by replacing each occurence of `LoopLable' by `LoopLable___XXXX', where `XXXX' is a number, that makes the symbol `LoopLable' unequivocal. You can use `#local' to make sure, that labels doesn't double within your programm. E.g.: MyFunction1: LoopLabel: ... bra LoopLabel ... rts MyFunction2: LoopLabel: ... bra LoopLabel ... rts In this example `LoopLable' exists twice. This will cause assembling errors. To prevent this, you can use `#local LoopLabel': #local LoopLabel MyFunction1: LoopLabel: ... bra LoopLabel ... rts #endlocal #local LoopLabel MyFunction2: LoopLabel: ... bra LoopLabel ... rts #endlocal `#local' can also be nested. This is necessary, to use labels within macros: #define Loop(commands) { #local LoopLabel LoopLabel: commands bra LoopLabel #endlocal } Loop ({ move.w d0, (a0)+ subq.w #1, d0 beq Exit }) Exit: If you nest `#local', you will still be able to access symbols, that are within the last `#local' - block. But if symbols are within the current block, and in the last, the current symbol will have a higher priority: #local a,b,c a: ... ;<-----------------------+ c: ... ;<--------------------+ | b: ... ;<-----------------+ | | ; | | | #local a ; | | | a: ;<--------------+ | | | ... ; | | | | bra a ; branch: >-----+ | | | bra b ; branch: >--------+ | | bra c ; branch: >-----------+ | | #endlocal | | bra a ; branch: >--------------+ #endlocal ======================================= 4. Suggestions ======================================= I didn't included something like a standard PreFargo include file, for the reason that I didn't had enough time and not much experience with PreFargo yet. This section includes some examples for macro constructions, that should be very helpful. Create yourself an include file, from what you think is the best. If you think, you created some very nice macros etc. send them to me, I will then perhaps include them to future releases of PreFargo. /** * pushr - Pushs values onto the stack in reversed order (e.g. for tios- * routines) ** * Example: * pushr (#64,w, #10,w, #String,l, #4,w) * jsr tios::DrawStrXY * lea 10(a7), a7 */ #define pushr(value,v_size,remainder...) { #ifdef remainder pushr(remainder) #endif move.|v_size value, -(a7) } /** * saveuregs - Saves all registers, that are marked to be used, by the macros * d0_used, d1_used, ..., a6_used. If no register is used, the * macro will expand to nothing. * resturegs - Restores all those registers ** * Example: * move.w Value(PC), d0 * #define d0_used * lea Value(PC), a0 * #define a0_used * * saveuregs // save all used registers (in this case: d0/a0) * jsr tios::ST_eraseHelp * resturegs // restore all used registers (in this case: d0/a0) */ #define saveuregs { #ifdef d0_used movem.l d0#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif, -(a7) #else #ifdef d1_used movem.l d1#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif, -(a7) #else #ifdef d2_used movem.l d2#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif, -(a7) #else #ifdef d3_used movem.l d3#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif, -(a7) #else #ifdef d4_used movem.l d4#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif, -(a7) #else #ifdef d5_used movem.l d5#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif, -(a7) #else #ifdef d6_used movem.l d6#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif, -(a7) #else #ifdef d7_used movem.l d7#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif, -(a7) #else #ifdef a0_used movem.l a0#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif, -(a7) #else #ifdef a1_used movem.l a1#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif, -(a7) #else #ifdef a2_used movem.l a1#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif, -(a7) #else #ifdef a3_used movem.l a1#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif, -(a7) #else #ifdef a4_used movem.l a1#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif, -(a7) #else #ifdef a4_used movem.l a1#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif, -(a7) #else #ifdef a5_used movem.l a1#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif, -(a7) #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif } #define resturegs { #ifdef d0_used movem.l (a7)+, d0#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif #else #ifdef d1_used movem.l (a7)+, d1#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif #else #ifdef d2_used movem.l (a7)+, d2#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif #else #ifdef d3_used movem.l (a7)+, d3#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif #else #ifdef d4_used movem.l (a7)+, d4#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif #else #ifdef d5_used movem.l (a7)+, d5#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif #else #ifdef d6_used movem.l (a7)+, d6#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif #else #ifdef d7_used movem.l (a7)+, d7#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif #else #ifdef a0_used movem.l (a7)+, a0#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif #else #ifdef a1_used movem.l (a7)+, a1#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif #else #ifdef a2_used movem.l (a7)+, a1#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif #else #ifdef a3_used movem.l (a7)+, a1#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif #else #ifdef a4_used movem.l (a7)+, a1#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif #else #ifdef a4_used movem.l (a7)+, a1#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a6_used|/a6#endif #else #ifdef a5_used movem.l (a7)+, a1#ifdef d0_used|/d0#endif#ifdef d1_used|/d1#endif#ifdef d2_used|/d2#endif#ifdef d3_used|/d3#endif#ifdef d4_used|/d4#endif#ifdef d5_used|/d5#endif#ifdef d6_used|/d6#endif#ifdef d7_used|/d7#endif#ifdef a0_used|/a0#endif#ifdef a1_used|/a1#endif#ifdef a2_used|/a2#endif#ifdef a3_used|/a3#endif#ifdef a4_used|/a4#endif#ifdef a5_used|/a5#endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif } /** * near - Allows you to access any data within your programm a6 - relative. * This will decrease the size of the Fargo relocalization table, and * the size of the access-command (relative addresses are only 16bits) ** * Example: * lea __near_data(PC), a6 // a6 mustn't be modified from now on!!! * ... * move.w #1234, near(var) * move.b '+', near(string) * ... * __near_data: * var: dc.w 0 * string: dc.w "-1234.5", 0 */ #define near(labelname) labelname-__near_data(a6) /*************************************************************************** * Some macros, that should help you to structure your programm */ /** * loop - creates an endless loop, out of a given command-block * Example: * loop ({ * subq.w #1, d0 * move.w d0, (a0)+ * beq Exit * }) * Exit: */ #define loop(commands) { #local @LoopLabel @LoopLabel: commands bra LoopLabel #endlocal } /** * for - creates a loop, that exits, when a word-counter reaches -1 * Example: * movea.l #LCD_MEM, a0 * move.w #959, d7 * for (d7, { * clr.l (a0)+ * } */ #define for(reg,commands) { #local @LoopLabel @LoopLabel: commands dbra reg, LoopLabel #endlocal } /** * ifeq - creates an if-block, that is executed, when the last operation's * result was zero, or equal(cmp). * Example: * tst.w d0 * ifequ ({ * move.w #-1, d0 * }) */ #define ifequ(commands) { #local @SkipLabel bne @SkipLabel commands @SkipLabel: #endlocal } /** * Any other things, like ifne, ifgt, ifequ_else etc. - create them yourself. */ ======================================= 5. End ======================================= This programm is freeware, I will send the sources to anyone who wants them. Question, suggestion, bugs, comments? (E)Mail me! Email: dkuehlin@hell1og.be.schule.de (don't mix up '1' and 'l') (valid till june 2000) Mail: David Kühling Lion-Feuchtwanger Str. 44 12619 Berlin GERMANY