FIXED BUGS - ALPHA RELEASES : A3 -> A4 - PCTools is now practically frees from memory before running a program (it uses around 700bytes) - Go back to same folder/file between sessions of PCTools - Fix a big bug in Detailed/List style views - Some modifications in plugin management - HexView v2.0.6 : Also view folder handle when F7 is pressed - NBackup v1.0.3 : Automatically suggest to restore a backup at PCTools start up if 'nested' file has been deleted (ex: after a crash) - LibInfo v1.0.6 : Show 'Library used : none' in status bar if needed - APD v1.0.1 : Fixed keys ([2ND/SHIFT/DIAM]+UP/DOWN) on TI-89 - PctZIP v1.0.3 : Key F8 is now handled to compress/extract A2 -> A3 - Add a flag in Configuration file to track crashes, and reset to default some values in pct if a crash has been detected - Fixed crash when plugins were archived during loading plugin's library - Change keyshort of APD to Diamond+T (like Time) A1 -> A2 - Plugin menu : fixed bug when there was not all libraries needed by a plugin - fixed calculator detection by using CALCULATOR RAM call of PreOS - Fixed crash when loading plugin's libraries v0.96B -> v0.97A1 - V200 and TI-89 Titanium compatibility - Preload plugin's libraries at startup for use with PreOS and compressed libraries. - Unarchive nested.cfg if needed to be able to modify it - Fix a bug in the plugin NBackup