@ECHO OFF IF %1. == . GOTO Znoinput IF NOT %2. == . GOTO Ztoomuch IF not exist %1.asm GOTO Zasmnotfound IF EXIST %1.o GOTO Zobjhere IF NOT EXIST %doorsos%\a68k\a68k.exe GOTO Zerror2 IF NOT EXIST %doorsos%\BIN\link.exe GOTO Zerror3 :zcompile @ECHO a68k.exe %1.asm -g -t -i%DOORSOS% CALL %DOORSOS%\a68k\a68k.exe %1.asm -g -t -i%DOORSOS% if not exist %1.o goto zerror1 :zlink @echo. @ECHO link.exe %1.o %DOORSOS%\mlink.exe %1.o -9 -n=r rem del %1.o > nul if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto zerror1 echo. ECHO SUCCESS goto zend :zlink2 @echo. @ECHO link.exe %1.o CALL %DOORSOS%\mlink.exe %1.o -9 -n=r rem del /p %1.o > nul echo. goto zend :zerror1 @echo. @echo There were errors. GOTO zend :ztoomuch @echo Too many parameters. (%2 %3 %4 %5) GOTO zend :znoinput @echo No parameters (%2 %3 %4 %5) GOTO zend :zerror2 echo A68K.EXE not found. echo And maybe GOTO zskipper :zerror3 :zskipper echo LINK.EXE not found. echo. echo Maybe %%doorsos%% is set incorrectly? Type 'SET' to find out. :zobjhere ECHO Object file '%1.o' found. IF NOT EXIST C:\windows\command\choice.com GOTO zcompile echo [L] Link [C] Compile the asm file then link [A] Abort C:\windows\command\choice.com /CLCA Enter your selection. IF ERRORLEVEL 3 GOTO zend IF ERRORLEVEL 2 GOTO zcompile IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO zlink2 goto zend :zend @echo.