This is a CAS engine (symbolic math) for the TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium CE calculators. WARNING: if you own a 5.5+ version, you need to activate asm with arTIfice and asmhook in order to run the program. arTIfice: asmhook: To use the program: enter the expression as a string Example: "2X^2-6X+19X-8-14":prgmCASYMBA Help is available from within the program. To display help: "?":prgmCASYMBA The program enables to perform the following operations: - simplification - derivative - nth derivative - partial derivative - primitive (incomplete) - tangent at a point - Taylor polynomial - ordinary differential equation (ODE) solving (order 1 and 2) - greatest common divisor of the 2 polynomials - quotient of the 2 polynomials - remainder of the 2 polynomials - simplification of division of 2 polynomials - expansion - prime factorization - polynomial factorization Available functions: - to derivative: nDeriv(expression,var,var) - example "nDeriv(sin(X),X,X)":prgmCASYMBA - nth derivative: nDeriv(expression,var,n) n is a positif int - example "nDeriv(sin(X),X,2)":prgmCASYMBA - partial derivative: nDeriv(expression,var1,var2) - example "nDeriv(X+2Y,X,Y)":prgmCASYMBA - tangent at a point: Tangent(expression,var,point) - example "Tangent(e^(X),X,1)":prgmCASYMBA - primitive: fnInt(expression,var) (incomplete) - example "fnInt(sin(6X),X,X,X)":prgmCASYMBA - solving ODE: solve(equation,var,function) - example "solve(Y''-Y'-2Y=sin(2X),X,Y)":prgmCASYMBA - example "solve(Y'+2Y=­5*e^(­2X) and Y(0)=1,X,Y)":prgmCASYMBA - example "solve(Y''+2Y'+Y=2*e^(­X) and Y(0)=1 and Y'(0)=-1,X,Y)":prgmCASYMBA - Taylor polynomial: det(expression,var,ordre,point) (incomplete) - example "det(sin(X),X,3,0)":prgmCASYMBA - expand: stdDev(expression) - example "stdDev((A+B)^2)":prgmCASYMBA - greatest common divisor of the 2 polynomials: gcd(poly1,poly2,var) - example "gcd(X^3-6X^2+11X-6,X^2-6X+8,X)":prgmCASYMBA - quotient of the 2 polynomials: int(poly1,poly2,var) - example "int(X^3-6X^2+11X-6,X^2-6X+8,X)":prgmCASYMBA - remainder of the 2 polynomials: remainder(poly1,poly2,var) - example "remainder(X^3-6X^2+11X-6,X^2-6X+8,X)":prgmCASYMBA - simplification of division of 2 polynomials: expr(poly1,poly2,var) - example "expr(X^3-6X^2+11X-6,X^2-6X+8,X)":prgmCASYMBA - prime factorization: identity(int) positive integer - example "identity(45)":prgmCASYMBA - polynomial factorization : identity(poly,var) - example identity(X^5+6X^4+10X^3-4X^2-24X-6,X)":prgmCASYMBA