CALCULATOR STREET RACING II: EVOLUTION V2.0 - Race your way. A drag racing game written by Oxiti8 in pure TI-BASIC for the TI-84 Plus CE. The ultimate drag racing game just got more intense. Powered by the one of the most advanced racing engines ever seen in a pure TI-BASIC game, CSRacing II allows you buy, paint, tune, and race 13 different cars on 2 detailed tracks in 7 different event types. Compete with your friends for the best times in Time Trials, Conquer the 6 championships of Special Events, or just test your car's top speed in Machine Test. You can also race in returning events like Regulation, Ladder, Custom Spec and the challenging Car Specific races. How you race is for you to decide. NOTE: This game is designed for the M+ revisons and/or Python Editions of the CE, and as a result it may run a bit slow on older models without use of a program like FASTER. Github: - If there's a new version of CSRacing II Evolution, you'll find it here first. Cemetech topic: - Check out this forum topic for the latest updates on CSRacing II! You can also post your time trials records here. _________________________________________________________ Table of contents: I. GETTING STARTED 1: How to install Calculator Street Racing II Evolution on your TI-84+ CE 2: How to play 3: Home menu 4: Game modes II. CSRACING II IN DEPTH 5: Tips & Tricks 6: Car List 7: Track List 8: Special Event List 9: Loading Custom Cars III. EXTRA INFORMATION 10: Developer's Notes & Technicalities 11: A short guide to CSRacing jargon 12: Credits and License _________________________________________________________ < I. GETTING STARTED > 1. HOW TO INSTALL: Send CSREVO.8xp to either RAM or Archive on your calculator using a program like TI-Connect CE. Note to ASMHOOK users: Make sure you update to ASMHOOK V1.0.2 or later (or disable ASMHOOK) before playing, as it fixes a bug that this game causes. 2. HOW TO PLAY: When you first start CSRacing II: Evolution, you wont be given a car, but rather 20000 Credits to use to purchase a car. To buy your first car, navigate to the "BUY CARS" option in the home menu and press 2nd or Enter to select it. CR:20000____________HOME_ >GO RACE |NONE________ TUNING |__CAR INFO__ PAINTSHOP | TIER 0 CHANGE CAR |HP: 0 RECORDS |LB-FT:0 BUY CARS |WT: 0 QUIT |REGION: Upon entering the "BUY CARS" menu, you will see 4 options: "NORTH AMERICA", "EUROPE", "ASIA", and "BACK". (BACK sends you to the home menu) Select the continent that has the car you want to buy, then select a car. If you have enough credits, you can buy that car. The interface for the car purchase screen is a bit different than the usual menu setup- rather than using 2nd/enter and the arrow keys to make a selection, you use the top 5 keys on the calculator. The leftmost key, "Y=", corresponds with the on-screen "BACK" button, and pressing it takes you to the previous menu. The 4 rightmost keys (window, zoom, trace, and graph) all do the same thing- pressing them allows you to buy the car you selected. TL;DR: This works exactly the same as the car purchase screen in CSRacing I. This same interface is also used for the upgrade purchase screen. Once you buy a car, you can get into it from the "CHANGE CAR" menu. Once you get in a car, you can tune it in the "TUNING" menu, paint it any color you like in the "PAINTSHOP", or most importantly, race it by selecting "GO RACE". Racing controls: YOU_________________ # ▓▓ ==================▓▓ # ▓▓ CPU‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ Press 2ND to start your engine and begin the countdown to launch. To rev quickly, repeatedly press 2ND. To rev slowly, press ALPHA (Or any key that isn't 2ND or ON). - Pay attention to the text at the bottom of the screen- it'll tell you if your RPM is above, below, or at the number needed for the fastest launch. Once the race begins, your car will begin accelerating automatically, so you should not hold 2nd or any other key once you begin moving. - Press the up arrow key to shift up, and the down arrow key to shift down. - Every car drives differently. The best time to shift, the number of gears, redline, and various other stats differ from car to car. - When you hit redline in a gear, the RPM indicator will turn red. This is a sign that you need to shift up to continue accellerating. 3. HOME MENU Upon starting the game, you will be greeted by the home menu. You have several options to choose from: - Go Race: Brings you to the Event List, where you can select a race you want to enter. - Tuning: Brings you to the tuning menu, where you can upgrade your car. -- There are three categories of upgrades: Engine, Weight, and Tires. -- Upgrading your engine increases horsepower & torque, which in turn increases acceleration and top speed but also slightly reduces grip, upgrading weight reduces the weight of your car and therefore increases acceleration, and upgrading your tires increases grip. -- If you need to reset your car to its stock form for car specific races, you can do so by selecting the "RESET" option in the tuning menu. Note that you will have to repurchase any upgrades you remove. -- The "RATIOS" section of the Tuning menu displays your car's gear and final drive ratios. Press enter to exit this screen. - Paintshop: Lets you paint your car by typing one of the numbers listed below. -- Color guide: 10=Blue, 11=Red, 12=Black, 13=Magenta, 14=Green, 15=Orange, 16=Brown, 17=Navy, 18=LtBlue, 19=Yellow, 20=White, 21=LtGray, 22=MedGray, 23=Gray, and 24=DarkGray -- You can also input color tokens from the VARS/COLOR menu. - Change Car: Self explanatory. Selecting this option lets you swap to another car you own. - Records: Check your game completion stats and Time Trials records here. - Buy Cars: Go here to purchase cars. Cars are divided up by continent of origin, with each continent having 4 cars for sale. - Quit: Exits CSRacing II and saves your game to Archive. 4. GAME MODES Upon selecting the "GO RACE" option in the main menu, you will be presented the event list that shows the different kinds of races you can enter. Each mode has its own rules: - Regulation: Any car with any upgrades can enter. After selecting this option, you'll be asked to enter a difficulty level, and after that, the track length. -- The difficulty level is the MPH the opponent will travel at: Entering a difficulty of 10 will have the opponent drive at a constant 10 MPH, a difficulty of 35 equates to 35 MPH, and so on and so forth. The higher the difficulty level, the better the rewards! -- After entering the difficulty, you'll be asked to specify the length of the road. A length of 1 is the standard length, 2 is double length, 3 is triple length, 4 is quadruple length, and 5 is quintuple length. The track length does not affect the Cr. earned for winning, but does slightly increase the payment for losing. - Ladder: Race your way through 30 increasingly challenging races! The Grand Prize is 10000 Cr. Beware though: If you lose a race, you'll be knocked down a spot on the ladder. - Time Trials: Race to beat you and your friend's best times! There are six different race categories: The Short (1x length) & Long (2x length) races for each of the three tiers. -- Feel free to post your best times on the Cemetech forum topic for CSRacing II. - Car Specific: Race in unique races specific to each car in the game. Each one will test your mastery of a specific car. -- There's a catch: you can't use any upgrades. The difficulty is high, but so is the prize money! - *Custom Spec: This one does not appear on the event list initially. To access it, you must beat all 13 of the Car Specific races. Once you've beaten them all, the "Car Specific" option on the event list will be replaced with "Custom Spec". -- Custom Spec allows you to mess with the race settings to your heart's content, even if it might cause an error. You can set the racetrack length as high or low as you want, mess with the more advanced opponent AI type (including making them go backwards if you really want although this will cause an error), and earn big prize money. - Special Events: Race in 6 unique events with various restrictions and differences depending on the event. Beat each event in order to unlock the next one. -- Every even-numbered Special Event is a championship, meaning it consists of three back-to-back races as opposed to one. -- Beating the fifth Special Event unlocks the Oxiti Increceba- an incredibly fast car! -- Beating the sixth and final Special Event gets you a Custom Car license, allowing you to use Custom Cars you've created in CSRacing II. - Machine Test: Test out your car's top speed here. There's no CR. prize here. -- Your top speed is recorded in this mode- try to shoot for a high score! - Return to Home: This isn't a game mode. Selecting this option will send you back to the main menu. < II. CSRACING IN DEPTH > 5. TIPS & TRICKS - Good launches will earn you an extra 5 Cr, and Perfect launches will net you 13 extra Cr. - The key to the best shifts is to shift up the same frame the max RPM in the current gear is reached- nailing the timing will let you constantly accelerate. - Upgrades scale in cost based on the tier of the car you're upgrading- Tier 1 cars are the cheapest cars to upgrade, and Tier 3 cars are the most expensive to upgrade due to their exotic nature. - Upgrades offer a noticeable performance boost, but buying faster cars is eventually necessary to stay competitive. - Regulation races are a great way to earn Cr. - Just make sure to keep the difficulty at a level your car can handle. - There are at least four cars availiable in each tier. 6. CAR LIST (by car identifier number): 1: CRUX Si (1991) - T1 - FWD - JPN 2: Camaco SS (1969) - T1 - RWD - USA 3: Forkus RS (2009) - T2 - FWD - USA 4: Contact LP400 (1974) - T2 - RWD - EUR 5: 7-11 GT3 RS (2016) - T3 - RWD - EUR 6: 'Vette (2020) - T3 - RWD - USA 7: DMCA-12 (1982) - T1 - RWD - USA 8: Sacks-O (1997) - T1 - FWD - EUR 9: Super-A (1998) - T2 - RWD - JPN 10: GTR R33 (1997) - T2 - AWD - JPN 11: GTR R35 (2017) - T3 - AWD - JPN 12: Enso (2003) - T3 - RWD - EUR 13*: Oxiti Increceba (2023) - T3 - AWD - USA 14*: Custom Cars *Cars with "*" next to their number cannot be purchased at the Car Dealer. 7. TRACK LIST There are two tracks in the game: The Street and the Team Oxiti Drag Strip. For Regulation, Ladder, and Time Trials races, you'll be racing on the streets, indicated by the double yellow line. For Car Specific races and Special Events, you'll be on the Team Oxiti Drag Strip. The Drag Strip has a christmas tree in the center of the track that counts down to the start of races and a different color palette than the streets. 8. SPECIAL EVENT LIST Event 1: Classic Car Cup - Allows cars over 30 years old Event 2: Tier 1 Championship - Allows all Tier 1 cars Event 3: JP Tuner Trials - Allows only JP cars Event 4: Tier 2 Championship - Allows all Tier 2 cars Event 5: Top speed Showdown - All cars allowed Event 6: Tier 3 Championship - Allows all Tier 3 cars 9. LOADING CUSTOM CARS CSRacing II allows you to use custom cars created with the CSRacing II Car Studio program (availiable separately). To load custom cars, you will need to install the Celtic CE library, which you can find here: - If you do not have Celtic CE installed and attempt to load a custom car, the program will tell you to install Celtic CE before you can proceed. Once you beat Special Event 6, a new option on the title screen will appear: "Press 2nd to load a custom car". Selecting this option will bring you to a prompt asking you to enter the name of the car you want to load. - For example, if you wanted to load "CARR33.8xv", you would enter "R33" at this prompt. CSRacing II automatically adds the "CAR" portion of the appvar name for you, as every CSRacing II custom car has that prefix. Once you have entered the name of the car you want to load, press enter. Once it is done loading, press enter again to open the main menu and use your newly imported car! < III. EXTRA INFORMATION > 10. DEVELOPER'S NOTES & TECHNICALITIES: - This game still runs on TI-84+ C Silver Edition, but it will run very slow on that hardware and as such I do not reccommend it. - The cars in this game are intended to have the same gear ratios and top speeds as their real-world counterparts- but real world performance may differ. This is a calculator game, not a simulator. - Cars with electronically limited top speeds in the real world (i.e. 155 MPH) have their limiters removed here. - If you get ERR: UNDEFINED after the title screen, it's likely because you deleted Str9. To fix this, enter "A->Str9 on the homescreen in TI-OS. 11. A SHORT GUIDE TO CSRACING JARGON - CSRacing = Calculator Street Racing - CR/Cr. = Credits, the currency of CSRacing - CIN = Car Identifier Number. - Oxiti = A fictional car brand. - Tune = refers to the act of tuning a car, in this case for performance. - Home = the homescreen of the game. 12. CREDITS, LICENSE AND CONTACT INFORMATION Game created by Oxiti8 2022-2023. Special thanks to Mr. Womp Womp, LogicalJoe, and fghsgh on Cemetech for help with optimization. Also thanks to Epsilon5 and DJ Omnimaga for car ideas and inspiration on graphical techniques. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THIS SOFTWARE. Redistribution of this software is permitted, but this document MUST accompany it. Email: author profile: Looking for the original Calculator Street Racing? You can find it here: