+---------------------------------------------+ | mViewer GX Creator | | for the Casio Classpad fx-CP | | by Xavier (Critor) Andreani | | http://tiplanet.org/forum/editgx.php?mode=44| +---------------------------------------------+ Thank you for creating your calculator document on TIPlanet.org. A) Sending the files to the calculator : ----------------------------------- Send attached subfolder and '.xcp' file to the calculator. B) Installing the viewer on the calculator : --------------------------------------- Go to the 'System' app. Select "View storage and import". Import the '.xcp' file you've just added. C) Reading the files on the calculator : ----------------------------------- Go to the 'Program' app and run the imported program : - arrows or [1-4,6-9] keys to scroll - [+/-] for next/previous page - [^] to go to specified page - [Clear] to quit For support : http://tiplanet.org