TRANSFERTS all this files in the main directory Bytecode Compilation : npcc.89p : Newprog Bytecode compilator browser : run npcc("PRGM_name") where PRGM_name is the name of your source. newprogc.* : Is used internally in npcc FOR TI89 : newprogc.89z : Newprog Bytecode compilator. Do not use. Use instead npcc("PRGM_name"). FOR TI92 or V200 : newprogc.92z : Newprog Bytecode compilator. Do not use. Use instead npcc("PRGM_name"). Translating in C : npptoc.89z : Translate the out.NPP Newprog Bytecode Program in C language. Compiling in Assembly runable program oncalc : All the *.89t are the oncalc header files for GTC oncalc (copy them in the GTCHDR directory). make.89p : Browser that will guide you in the oncalc compilation steps for smalls programs. Refer to the DOC for more details. The "out.NPP" file will be the entry. Use : make("ASM_OUTPUT_FILE") where ASM_OUTPUT_FILE will be the output file name. You must have installed previously GTC oncalc on your calculator (joined in the bundle). DEVELOPEMENT ENVIRONNEMENT : nppmenu() : Displays and defines the NEWPROG custom toolbar. ONCALC Helps Files : They are located in the directory oncalc_helps_files_FR. USER ONCALC C LIBRARY MODEL Complete the "clibsrc.89t" file (model).