I have ported Open Jazz Jackrabbit to the Casio Prizm. Here are the controls keys[C_UP].key = KEY_PRGM_UP; keys[C_DOWN].key = KEY_PRGM_DOWN; keys[C_LEFT].key = KEY_PRGM_LEFT; keys[C_RIGHT].key = KEY_PRGM_RIGHT; keys[C_JUMP].key = KEY_PRGM_ALPHA; keys[C_SWIM].key = keys[C_JUMP].key; keys[C_FIRE].key = KEY_PRGM_SHIFT; keys[C_CHANGE].key = KEY_PRGM_OPTN;//change weapon keys[C_ENTER].key = KEY_PRGM_RETURN; keys[C_ESCAPE].key = KEY_PRGM_EXIT; keys[C_STATS].key = KEY_PRGM_F1; keys[C_PAUSE].key = KEY_PRGM_F2; keys[C_YES].key = KEY_PRGM_F3; keys[C_NO].key = KEY_PRGM_F4; Here is the source code https://github.com/ComputerNerd/Open-Jazz-Jackrabbit-Casio-Prizm-port To use the program place openjazz.g3a in the root directory of your calculator's file system. Then download one of the many versions of Jazz Jackrabbit and place the resource files in that folder. You do not need the sound files and you do not need some "extra" files. For example the cd version includes a demo of another game you don't need that. Also you don't need the *.exe file. Also there are some unneeded cutscene files that take up lots of memory those are not needed. When in doubt use grep on the source code to see if the file is needed. Screenshots: http://i.imgur.com/bjctl4A.png https://i.imgur.com/f1kEpNm.png