/**************************************************************************** * @(#) Ndless hack loader * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is Ndless code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Geoffrey ANNEHEIM * . * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Olivier ARMAND ****************************************************************************/ #include #include "bootstrapper.h" #ifdef CAS .set OS_OFFSET_HACKED_EXECUTE, 0x1000AC54 //os 1.2.2344 .set OS_SHADOWED_CALL_EXECUTE, 0x1004FDA8 .set OS_OFFSET_HACKED_RESTORE, 0x1005579C .set OS_INTEGRITY_CHECK, 0x1005279C #elif NON_CAS .set OS_OFFSET_HACKED_EXECUTE, 0x00000000 // not done .set OS_SHADOWED_CALL_EXECUTE, 0x00000000 .set OS_OFFSET_HACKED_RESTORE, 0x00000000 .set OS_INTEGRITY_CHECK, 0x00000000 #endif .set HACK_BASE_ADDRESS, 0x1800E14C .set HACK_BYTES_SIZE, 5120 .set OPCODE_NOP, 0xE1A00000 @ mov r0, r0 .text main: .global main @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @ The loader is either installed in /phoenix/syst/locales/en/strings.res @ (by Ndless Installer, first execution), or in @ /phoenix/ndls/locales//strings.res (next executions) and run by @ a buffer overflow. @ At the first execution, the loader finishes its installation: syst's @ strings.res is restored, a new component 'ndls' is registered and the @ loader is installed in ndls's strings.res, to make the hack persist in @ all languages. @ The loader may update itself and/or the hooks from files in the installer @ directory. @ The loader then load the OS hooks (hook.s) and continue the OS boot @ up. @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ldr sp, =HACK_BASE_ADDRESS @ Check if Ndless is installed _check_is_installed: adr r0, pathNdls oscall set_current_path cmp r0, #0 bne install_hack @ Check if Ndless should be updated _check_update_hook: @ Move possible new hook.tns from installer directory to system directory @ Installing a new hook doesn't require an OS reboot adr r0, fileHookInstaller mov r4, r0 bl fileExists cmp r0, #0 bne _check_update_loader adr r0, fileHookInstalled mov r5, r0 oscall unlink mov r0, r4 @ installer mov r1, r5 @ installed oscall rename @ Check if the loader should be updated, else fork the OS _check_update_loader: adr r0, fileLoaderInstaller bl fileExists cmp r0, #0 bne fork_os @ Overwrite strings.res by content of loader.tns for all language adr r0, copy_resource_file adr r1, folderNdls adr r2, fileLoaderInstaller stmfd sp!, {r1-r2} bl iterate_locale_names_callback add sp, sp, #8 @ Remove loader.tns located in user documents adr r0, fileLoaderInstaller oscall unlink ldr pc, =OS_BASE_ADDRESS @ reboot OS (execute the new loader) fileHookInstalled: .string "/phoenix/ndls/hook.tns" .align @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @ Prepare a proper OS execution during the next reboot. @ Ignore reading of strings.res of ndls component @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- restore_resource: cmp r7, #1 bne _restore_resource_continue @ resource not located into ndls folder sub sp, r11, #0x28 @ exit load resource OS call ldmfd sp, {r4-r11, sp, pc} _restore_resource_continue: mov r0, r6 adr r1, openFileMode_rb ldr pc, =(OS_OFFSET_HACKED_RESTORE + 8) openFileMode_rb: .string "rb" .align @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @ Remove hack from the file system. @ 1) Restore the components file @ 2) Delete Ndless installation directory @ 3) Fully reboot the calculator, to install a fresh OS in RAM. @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- remove_hack: @ Rewrite /phoenix/components mov r0, #0 @ exclude ndls folder bl rewrite_components @ Remove ndls folder adr r0, pathNdls oscall purge_directory_ adr r0, pathNdls oscall rmdir bl rebootCalculator @ Remove all forked address pathNdls: .string "/phoenix/ndls" fileLoaderInstaller: .string "/documents/ndless/loader.tns" fileHookInstaller: .string "/documents/ndless/hook.tns" .align @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @ Install hack in the file system. @ 1) Create the ndls component tree @ 2) Register the ndls component in the file 'components' @ 3) Copy the hack in all strings.res of all languages of the ndls component @ 4) Restore syst's strings.res @ 5) Move hook.tns from user to system directory @ 6) Fork the OS @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- install_hack: @ TODO: Check if/documents/ndless/strbackup.tns exists @ Rewrite /phoenix/syst/locales/copysamples, which may be re-interpreted @ after a system language change bl rewrite_copysamples @ Create localization paths mov r1, #0 adr r0, pathPhoenix oscall set_current_path adr r0, folderNdls oscall mkdir adr r0, folderNdls oscall set_current_path adr r0, pathLocales oscall mkdir adr r0, pathLocales oscall set_current_path ldr r0, =mkdir bl iterate_locale_names_callback @ Rewrite /phoenix/components mov r0, #1 @ include ndls folder bl rewrite_components @ Copy strings.res (loader) for all language into ndls folder adr r0, copy_resource_file adr r1, folderNdls adr r2, fileResourceStrings stmfd sp!, {r1-r2} bl iterate_locale_names_callback add sp, sp, #8 @ Overwrite strings.res (loader) by strbackup.tns adr r0, fileResourceStrings oscall unlink adr r0, fileResourceStringsBackup adr r1, fileResourceStrings oscall rename @ Move hook.tns from the installer directory to the system directory @ if it exists adr r0, fileHookInstaller adr r1, fileHookInstalled oscall rename @ Remove loader.tns from user documents (avoid to update loader during the next reboot) adr r0, fileLoaderInstaller oscall unlink b fork_os folderNdls: .string "ndls" pathPhoenix: .string "/phoenix" pathLocales: .string "locales" fileResourceStringsBackup: .string "/documents/ndless/strbackup.tns" fileResourceStrings: .string "/phoenix/syst/locales/en/strings.res" .align @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @ Fork OS addresses. @ 1) If the key theta is hold down, the hack is removed. @ 2) Allocate a memory block. @ 3) Copy the code of the loader to the memory block. @ 4) Inject the address of memory block in the memory space of OS. @ 5) Inject the address of restore_resource in the memory space of OS. @ 6) Reboot OS. @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- fork_os: @ Remove hack if key theta is pressed _is_theta_pressed: isKeyPressed KEY_NSPIRE_THETA beq remove_hack @ Allocate memory mov r5, #HACK_BYTES_SIZE mov r0, r5 oscall malloc mov r6, r0 @ Copy loader code adr r1, main mov r2, r5 oscall memcpy @ Inject buffer address add r2, r6, #execute_hook-main @ call execute_hook fork_address OS_OFFSET_HACKED_EXECUTE @ Inject restore_resource address add r2, r6, #restore_resource-main @ call restore_resource fork_address OS_OFFSET_HACKED_RESTORE @ Disable OS integrity check, else OS upgrade is refused if OS is patched ldr r0, =OS_INTEGRITY_CHECK ldr r1, =OPCODE_NOP str r1, [r0] ldr pc, =OS_BASE_ADDRESS @ reboot OS @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @ Execute hook.tns (hook installation) @ 1) If the key PI is hold down, don't execute the hook installation. @ 2) Else execute the hook installation. @ 3) Restore OS instructions for a valid execution. @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ execute_hook: @ Save OS state stmfd sp!, {r0-r12, lr} @ Don't execute the hook if the key PI is pressed _is_pi_pressed: isKeyPressed KEY_NSPIRE_PI beq _restore_os_state @ Execute the hook installation _execute_hook: @ Open file adr r0, fileHookInstalled bl openFileBufferized cmp r0, #0 beq _restore_os_state @ Run code mov lr, pc mov pc, r0 _restore_os_state: @ Restore OS state ldmfd sp!, {r0-r12, lr} @ Restore OS instructions oscall OS_SHADOWED_CALL_EXECUTE @ execute OS instructions previously overwritten by fork_os cmp r0, #0 ldr pc, =(OS_OFFSET_HACKED_EXECUTE + 8) @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @ Rewrite the file /phoenix/components which contains the list of components @ @ Input: @ r0 = 1 include ndls folder, else 0 @ @ Output: @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rewrite_components: mov r12, sp stmfd sp!, {r1-r4, r11-r12, lr, pc} mov r5, r0 @ Open components file adr r0, fileComponents adr r1, openFileMode_wb oscall fopen mov r4, r0 @ Write components hierarchy adr r0, tblComponents mov r1, #60 cmp r5, #0 beq _rewrite_components_continue add r1, r1, #5 _rewrite_components_continue: mov r2, #1 mov r3, r4 oscall fwrite @ Close components file mov r0, r4 oscall fclose ldmfd sp, {r1-r4, r11, sp, pc} openFileMode_wb: .string "wb" fileComponents: .string "/phoenix/components" .align tblComponents: .ascii "clnk\n" \ "ctlg\n" \ "dcol\n" \ "dlog\n" \ "dtst\n" \ "geog\n" \ "math\n" \ "mwiz\n" \ "ntpd\n" \ "scpd\n" \ "syst\n" \ "tblt\n" \ "ndls\n" .align @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @ Rewrite the file /phoenix/syst/locales/copysamples @ @ Input: @ @ Output: @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rewrite_copysamples: mov r12, sp stmfd sp!, {r0-r4, r11-r12, lr, pc} adr r0, fileCopysamples adr r1, openFileMode_wb oscall fopen cmp r0, #0 beq _rewrite_copysamples_exit mov r4, r0 adr r0, dataCopysamples mov r1, #220 @ sizeof(dataCopysamples) mov r2, #1 mov r3, r4 oscall fwrite mov r0, r4 oscall fclose _rewrite_copysamples_exit: ldmfd sp, {r0-r4, r11, sp, pc} fileCopysamples: .string "/phoenix/syst/locales/copysamples" dataCopysamples: .ascii "da/sample01.tns\n" \ "Kom godt i gang.tns\n" \ "de/sample01.tns\n" \ "Erste Schritte.tns\n" \ "en/sample01.tns\n" \ "Getting Started.tns\n" \ "fr/sample01.tns\n" \ "Prise en main rapide.tns\n" \ "it/sample01.tns\n" \ "Guida introduttiva.tns\n" \ "no/sample01.tns\n" \ "Komme i gang.tns\n" .align @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @ Iterate all locale name @ @ Input: @ r0 = function (3 parameters maximum) @ @ Output: @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iterate_locale_names_callback: mov r12, sp stmfd sp!, {r1-r6, r11-r12, lr, pc} sub sp, sp, #0x100 mov r11, sp mov r6, r0 adr r5, tblLanguages mov r4, #6 _iterate_locale_names_callback_loop: mov r0, r5 stmfd sp!, {r12} ldmfd r12, {r1-r3} mov lr, pc mov pc, r6 ldmfd sp!, {r12} @ Prepare the next step add r5, r5, #3 sub r4, r4, #1 cmp r4, #0 bne _iterate_locale_names_callback_loop add sp, sp, #0x100 ldmfd sp, {r1-r6, r11, sp, pc} tblLanguages: .ascii "en\0" \ "da\0" \ "de\0" \ "fr\0" \ "it\0" \ "no\0" .align @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @ Copy a resource file into a localization folder @ @ Input: @ r0 = language @ r1 = component folder name @ r2 = resource file to copy @ @ Output: @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ copy_resource_file: mov r12, sp stmfd sp!, {r3-r4, r11-r12, lr, pc} sub sp, sp, #0x100 mov r11, sp mov r4, r2 @ Create localization path mov r2, r1 adr r1, formatResourcePath mov r3, r0 mov r0, r11 oscall sprintf @ Copy resource file specified into localization folder previously defined mov r0, r4 mov r1, r11 bl copyFile add sp, sp, #0x100 ldmfd sp, {r3-r4, r11, sp, pc} formatResourcePath: .string "/phoenix/%s/locales/%s/strings.res" .align .end