This Sudoku program allows you to play Sudoku on your calculator! Controls: Arrows: move cursor Numbers: place number Del/Clear: erase cell Y=: quit game ZOOM: restart puzzle ALPHA: flash cursor (in case it gets lost) 2nd: toggle whether number is Given -- useful for inputting your own puzzles, and Given numbers cannot be accidently changed or deleted -- Given numbers are designated by a dot next to the number. MODE: toggles pencil-mark mode -- a mark is in the upper-right corner when mode is on -- this allows you to place dots in the box to represent numbers you may be unsure of. Dots are in same position as on the keyboard (5 in the center, 1 in the lower-left, etc.). These are erased when you quit the game. ENTER: once the grid is full, press Enter to check it. On the right side of the screen, a column of "O"s or "X"s appear three times, pausing in between. The first series represents each row, from top to bottom. An "O" indicates it is complete, that is, each number appears once and only once. An "X" therefore indicates an error. The second series checks the columns, from left to right. The third shows the 3x3 boxes, starting from the top-left to the bottom-right: [1st][2nd][3rd] [4th][5th][6th] [7th][8th][9th] If they all check out, you win! If not, it allows you to correct your mistakes, then press Enter again when you're finished. Modes: Blank Game: gives you a blank grid, so you can fill it in from another puzzle to solve on the calculator. Continue Last Game: Self-Explanatory, really. Generate Game: I'll admit it: I don't actually create my own puzzles. I don't think the calculator could create one in a reasonable amount of time, even if I had a program to do it. What I did is in the program called "SUDSUBGG" (Sudoku Subroutine-Generate Game), I have pre-made puzzles that are then changed. The numbers are swapped with each other, and rows and columns are swapped randomly. So, though each puzzle may look different, there are really only 6 different puzzles. It is possible, and fairly easy, to add more puzzles to the program if you wish. Or, if you'd like, you can entirely replace my program with something else that actually makes its own puzzles. Just have the program with the same name and have it place the puzzle in matrix [A], and it will work fine. Programs Included and Lists Used: SUDOKU SUDSUB1 SUDSUB2 SUDSUBGG Lists: SS and ST Matrices: [A] and [B] Notes: -Don't pay much attention to the version numbers. -If you have any questions, comments, bug reports, or suggestions, feel free to e-mail. 12-19-05 -- Dennis Ruppe --