================================= = Development environment setup = ================================= This document is intended for maintainers of Ndless. This file describes the prerequisites and setup steps for a Windows development environment to build Ndless. You *don't* need to follow this procedure to set up a C/ARM development environment to build TI-Nspire programs. This setup is described in ReadMe.txt. C = - MSYS with MinGW: http://www.mingw.org/wiki/msys - Optionally install dash for MSYS: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/MSYS/dash It may be used for compatibility check when maintaining the shell scripts. - 7-zip: http://www.7-zip.org/download.html - Make sure you are using GCC v4.5.x for ARM * Add 7-zip's folder to your PATH environment variable * Copy Ndless/Makefile.config.tpl to Ndless/Makefile.config and configure the latter ARM === - Set up the toolchain as described in ReadMe.txt. Ndless is built with itself, and you may not be able to use a previous version of Ndless to build it. You thus need to build the toolchain (cd tools && make) and add the bin/ directory at the root of the project to the PATH environment variable, and remove any bin/ directory of a previous version of Ndless. Building ======== From Ndless root directory: * make: builds the artifacts * make arm: builds the ARM artifacts * make dist: builds the artificats and create a release directory (dist) * make distbin: incremental dist during development Generating the syscalls header files ==================================== The syscalls header files for the different OS are generated. This generated files are ditributed with Ndless's source code. To regenerate these files, run the following command: cd tools/Makesyscalls && make