/* newlib stub that makes newlib happy. When a function is implemented by both newlib and the TI-Nspire OS, * the OS version should be used. That's why these functions ar empty. */ typedef struct{} _ssize_t; struct _reent{}; struct stat{}; typedef struct{} _off_t; typedef struct{} ptrdiff_t; typedef unsigned long size_t; _ssize_t _read_r(__attribute__((unused)) struct _reent *r, __attribute__((unused)) int file, __attribute__((unused)) void *ptr, __attribute__((unused)) size_t len) { return (_ssize_t){}; } _ssize_t _write_r(__attribute__((unused)) struct _reent *r, __attribute__((unused)) int file, __attribute__((unused)) const void *ptr, __attribute__((unused)) size_t len) { return (_ssize_t){}; } int _close_r(__attribute__((unused)) struct _reent *r, __attribute__((unused)) int file) { return 0; } _off_t _lseek_r(__attribute__((unused)) struct _reent *r, __attribute__((unused)) int file, __attribute__((unused)) _off_t ptr, __attribute__((unused)) int dir) { return (_off_t){}; } int _fstat_r(__attribute__((unused)) struct _reent *r, __attribute__((unused)) int file, __attribute__((unused)) struct stat *st) { return 0; } void* _sbrk_r(__attribute__((unused)) struct _reent *_s_r, __attribute__((unused)) ptrdiff_t nbytes) { return (void*)0; }