r1 -First release. r2 -Second release. -Fixed a garbage string bug with "o" character. -Re-ordered some strings around. -It deactivates when things like the catalog and other apps are started. Sorry about this in the first release. -The menu deactivates when text is pasted by key combinations. -Added support for units. -Added title to the menu. This was needed for units. -Optomized greatly the installation. It no longer searches the entire rom for a certain address in code. -Now starts the home application automatically so that first window points to the home screen window. -Added a program of mine into the database of strings. The program is called yapt (Yet Another Periodic Table). -Optomized the hook code. r3 -Third release. -Cut out some garbage code. -Added some spaces after a couple of commands. -It now displays the entire command in the list of options on how it can be completed. -Added up and down arrows to indicate that a menu can be scrolled. -Added another program of mine to the strings. It is called bestview. -Added the strings "main\" and "extrastr" to the database of strings to search through. -Added the ability for the user to define strings that they want to be in the popup. -As there is no pull down menu in the basic editor to help with the setgraph and other similar commands I added the strings used by such command to the database. -Widened the menu. -The search is now case insensitive. r4 -Fourth release. -Now supports names of variables in the current folder and the names of the folders. So I took out my personal strings. -When the unit menu is active strings from the external file, folder table, and the current folder are not included. -Made escape deativate complete till pressed again. r5 -Fifth release. -Added the angle( command to the internal database. -Now adds a "(" after functions and Programs. -Now adds a "\" after folder names. -If you autocomplete a name of a folder it assumes that the next thing you type in is a name of a variable in that folder so it gives you a menu of all variables in that folder. -Removed disabling by the escape key. -I am now distributing a smaller version that removes the strings that are only useful in the basic editor. The old external database source is stil included in the distribution. -Fixed bug if an external list had nothing in it. -It is now possible to have external list for each unit type. -Now will give up to 5 pages of options instead of 4. -Added the delete key response. -Changed name of extrastr to _xtrastr. -Added the artificial unit menu that has all of complete's variable names. -Added Left/right wrap around when scrolling through the unit types. r6 -Sixth release. -Fixed a bug with the external files. -Added the help text in the status line during the unit menu. -Added 2nd + right response during the unit menus. -Added right arrow to indicate when folder names or variables are in the menu. Meaning that you can press right to get a listing of just the folder names and variables. -Small optomizations. -If you auto complete the main folder then variables beginning with the "_" will not be given in the menu. -Reduced program size by about 800 bytes by allocating memory for static arrays at installation. -Now distributing large and small versions. -Added another external database of strings that the user wants to come BEFORE the internal database strings. -External database _xtrastr has been renamed. -Core search routines are faster. r7 -Seventh release. NEW FEATURES SO RE-READ DOCUMENTATION AND THE NEW TEXT FILE "THINGS TO TRY": ______________________________________________________________________ -The menu now follows the cursor arround. -Added support for system variables. -Added the unit menu replacement. -It is much more intelligent: When giving suggestions it now takes into account previously enterered characters. Therefore the "search bug" no longer occurs. -And when it takes the previous characters into account, it also considers that they might be a name of a folder, in which case it only gives auto completion suggestions for variables in that folder. -And when it takes previous characters into account, it also considers that they might be a name of a flash app, in which case it only gives suggestions of functions exported by that app. -When you backspace it will now offer completion suggestions for the command that you partially deleted. For Example if you typed : "abs(csolv" you would have a menu suggesting "cSolve(". If you then deleted chars so that only the "ab" was remaining then you would have a menu suggesting "abs(" -New rule: if it ever tries to generate a menu with one string in it, instead of generating the menu it will paste the text to the entry line and highlight it. It does not do this if the menu is a) a unit menu, b) the one item in the menu is a name of a folder c) backspace was just pressed, d) the match is based on only 1 character - This way "xor " is not pasted and highlighted when you type an x as a common variable. -Now gives up to 14 pages of matches. -The constants unit menu now contains extra text to help remind you what each constant is. The constants library on my 49g does this. (Actually the reminder text on the 49g is more extensive- meaning it is not abbreviated like it is in complete due to space contraints in complete. -In your external strings the charcter ':' means that everything after it will be ignored in the search, and will not be pasted to the entry line. However text after it will still be printed in the menu. And this text will be printed in the status line when you auto complete an option. -On the 92+ diamond+space functions just like the right arrow. -It now puts letters after variables that tell the type of the variable. -It now works even after a letter is selected from the char menu. -Added instant menu of all variables by pressing down arrow. -Added instant menu of all system variables by pressing 2nd+down. -Added up/down wrapping to the menu. -Added diamond + function keys response. -Added 2nd + up response. -Added the unit menu that displays variables in the vat that start with an underscore. -Added the unit menu that contains strings in _xtrast1 which start with and underscore. -Added the unit menu of constants that relate to the earth. There are four default constants "_emass" is the mass of the earth. "_erad" is the radius of the earth. "_edsun" is the distance from the earth to the sun and "_edmoon" is the distance from the moon to the earth. -Distribution includes a basic program called "makeerth" that creates the variables in the menu of earth constants. -Added the list of system variables to the unit menu replacement. -Added the shortcuts and the shortcut menu to the unit menu replacement. -The internal database has been made external. This saves an additional 4k of ram. So now I will refer to the "internal database" as the "default database." OTHER CHANGES: ________________________________________________________________________ -Fixed bug when the unit menu would not disapear when zero matches where found. -Installation code is smaller. -Messed with the string ordering. -Core search routine that adds items from the internal and external database is faster. It no longer has to first count the number of elements in an external database. -Core search routine that adds folder and variable names is faster because I remembered that they are already lowercase, so extra code in the loop (which promotes all uppercase character to lower case characters) to make the searching case-insensitive was removed. So the loop is tighter and more beautiful. -More speed optomization. -getConfg() is now also in the small version. -Fixed bug with char 255. -Apparantly all characters that you get by pressing dimaond+some_key are printed by pasting strings, not as individual normal characters. Complete is rigged so that the menu disapears when pasting occurs, so rather than processing these keys as keys, complete was not doing anything. This is now fixed. -If you auto complete a folder name then the new menu with variables in that folder moves to the new cursor location. -Now checks to make sure an external database is a list variable. -External strings that are really long will not go out of bounds. -It will change the unit type automatically now if there is no match in the current unit type. -Distribution now includes The latest version of Kevin Kofler's Event Hook Uninstaller. -Distribution now includes another text file called "things to try." Even if you are used to complete I recomend that you read it anyways. -Distribution includes four databases for use with the free finance, statistics, and polynomial root finder applications and the calculus tools "concept app" made by TI. -Distribution now includes the .bat I use to assemble the 4 different versions of complete. -Added a folder structure to this zip archive. -Cleaned the source code. It uses proper naming conventions. -Fixed an adress error -> Thanks to Kevin Kofler for reporting this. -Html version of complete.txt is now being distributed, I used MS word to make it so sorry if it is bloated. -Reduced memory usage by 1200 bytes. -Added screen shots to the .zip -The default database is now indexed alphabetically, making complete much faster. -Added a specialized search optomized for 1 character strings. -When typing successive characters it only looks for new matches in the list of existing matches. -External databases now must be in the main folder instead of the current folder. -Added a specialized folder/variable table search optomized for a string containing no characters. (As in you auto complete a folder name and the menu you get back is contains all variables.) -Special external database search optomized for a seach string with no characters. -Case insensitive searching of external databases now uses a look up table instead of if then statements so it is faster. -Added cmpltdat.txt to the distribution. r8 -Eighth release. -Now including exepacked versions. -Updated for the new Nostub comment format. -Fixed a dumb bug with external databases and units. -I decided all the Fs associated with f1, f2, f3 where redundant. They are now removed. r9 -Fixed a bug with default keys on a 92+. -Fixed a bug with detecting backspace auto-repeating as arrow auto-repeating. -Titanium compatible. -Distributing the latest verstion of the event hook uninstaller. r10 -Fixed crashing on AMS 3.10 -Added all the new commands (That are not for basic programming) on ams 3.10