Changes to Omnicalc for OS 2.53 compatibility: - Virtual Calc disabled if the unit has bad RAM - RAM Recovery disabled if the unit has bad RAM - Version displayed is 2.26 BE if the unit has no or defective extra RAM, 2.26 MP otherwise - Entries Menu disabled if OS >= 2.53 installed - Parentheses Assistant disabled if MathPrint is active - Token Showing disabled on homescreen if MathPrint is active - Partial line clearing disabled if MathPrint is active - Custom fonts now work in more places, such as on the graph screen :) (This writes the font data to 0FE78h. I figure the OS seldom touches that.) Bugs I know about that Omnicalc has in OS 2.53 (marked + if fixed): - First, note that 2.53 is very unstable even without the help of assembly programs. - On+n doesn't work in the Catalog. Therefore, the custom menu doesn't work. +/- Entries menu is very broken +/- Token show is glitchy if MathPrint is enabled. - It is unknown if MathPrint is safe to use with RAM Recover and Virtual Calc. For now, the features are enabled. Please report your experiences. - It is unknown if Fast Apps is safe to use MathPrint enabled. Whether the unit has bad RAM may also affect whether this is safe. - The Omnicalc PRGM menu doesn't work in the program editor.