;Extra equates include file, from the unsupported info page. ;Last update: 07/16/01 _LdHLInd equ 4009h _NewLine equ 452Eh _Mon equ 401Eh _PutAway equ 403Ch _AppInit equ 404Bh _IsA2ByteTok equ 42A3h _BufLeft equ 4903h _BufRight equ 4906h _BufDelete equ 4912h _BufReplace equ 490Fh _BufDelete equ 4912h _CloseEditEqu equ 496Ch _DispTail equ 495Dh _GetPrevTok equ 496Fh _CursorLeft equ 493Fh _IsEditEmpty equ 492Dh _IsAtTop equ 4930h _IsAtBtm equ 4933h _DispEOW equ 4957h _BufClear equ 4936h _EraseEOW equ 4555h _DispHead equ 495Ah _ClrWindow equ 454Fh _DispForward equ 49D5h _InsDisp equ 494Eh _CursorDown equ 4948h _SetEmptyEditPtr equ 4969h _HomeUp equ 4558h APIFlg equ 40 appAllowContext equ 0 ; App wants context changes to happen cmdFlags equ 12 ;command editor flags cmdVirgin equ 5 ; 1=nothing has been typed in cmd bfr