#ifndef __columns_defs__ #define __columns_defs__ #define VERSION_INFO "v 0.9 " #define SAVE_VERSION 5 //Miscellaneous #define TIME_TO_MAGIC_DEFAULT 30 // Fixed palette entries as defined in convpng.ini #define BG_TRANSPARENT 0 #define BG_BLACK 1 #define BG_WHITE 2 #define FONT_WHITE 2 #define FONT_GOLD 3 #define FONT_CYAN 4 #define MENU_GOLD 5 #define MENU_MAROON 6 #define MENU_LAVENDER 7 /* NOTE: Codes 8-11 reserved for animated letter static palette swaps */ #define PALSWAP_AREA 192 //Grid and tile information #define GRID_W 6 #define GRID_H 15 #define GRID_HSTART 2 #define GRID_START GRID_HSTART*GRID_W #define GRID_SIZE GRID_W*GRID_H #define TILE_W 16 #define TILE_H 16 #define GRID_TBTM (GRID_SIZE-(GRID_W*3)) #define GRID_BELOW (GRID_W*3) #define P1_GRIDLEFT 16 #define P2_GRIDLEFT 208 #define CENTER_GRIDLEFT 112 //Timing information #define MATCH_TIMEOUT 10 #define LONG_TIMEOUT 30 #define MOVESIDE_TIMEOUT 5 #define DESTRUCT_TIMEOUT 38 #define SCOREFALL_TIMEOUT 50 #define ONE_SECOND 64 #define DROP_NEXT_DELAY 16 //Grid buffer masking information #define CHANGE_BUF1 (1<<7) #define CHANGE_BUF2 (1<<6) #define TILE_FLASHING (1<<5) #define TILE_HALFLINGS (1<<4) #define TILE_TARGET_GEM (1<<3) //Field data masking information #define UPDATE_SCORE ((1<<0)|(1<<4)) #define UPDATE_LEVEL ((1<<1)|(1<<5)) #define UPDATE_JEWELS ((1<<2)|(1<<6)) #define UPDATE_NEXT ((1<<3)|(1<<7)) //Gem identity information #define GRID_EMPTY 0x00 #define GRID_GEM1 0x01 #define GRID_GEM2 0x02 #define GRID_GEM3 0x03 #define GRID_GEM4 0x04 #define GRID_GEM5 0x05 #define GRID_GEM6 0x06 //Gem explosion information #define GRID_EXP1 0x07 #define GRID_EXP2 0x08 #define GRID_EXP3 0x09 #define GRID_EXP4 0x0A #define GRID_EXP5 0x0B #define GRID_EXP6 0x0C #define GRID_EXP7 0x0D //Magic gem information #define GRID_MAG1 0x0E #define GRID_MAG2 0x0F #define GRID_MAG3 0x10 #define GRID_MAG4 0x11 #define GRID_MAG5 0x12 #define GRID_MAG6 0x13 //Game interface IDs #define BG_CENT 0 #define BG_NEXT 1 #define BG_SCORE 2 #define BG_SCOREF 3 #define BG_B8D 4 #define BG_B8DF 5 #define BG_B5D 6 #define BG_B5DF 7 #define BG_B4D 8 #define BG_B4DF 9 #define BG_B3D 10 #define BG_B3DF 11 #define BG_T8D 12 #define BG_T5D 13 #define BG_T4D 14 #define BG_T3D 15 //Object indices (objidx), as used in posarr[] #define SOBJ_NEXT 0 #define SOBJ_SCOREMAIN 1 #define SOBJ_LEVELMAIN 2 #define SOBJ_JEWELSMAIN 3 #define SOBJ_CURSCORE 4 #define SOBJ_SCORESUB 5 #define SOBJ_LEVELSUB 6 #define SOBJ_JEWELSSUB 7 //Player modes and number of panes, as (supposed to be) used in posarr[] #define PMODE_NORMAL 0 #define PMODE_FLASH 1 #define PMODE_SPANE 0 #define PMODE_DPANE 1 //Character/symbol indices used in the "Game Over"/"You've Done It!" display #define SYM_APO 0 #define SYM_EXC 1 #define SYM_A 2 #define SYM_D 3 #define SYM_E 4 #define SYM_G 5 #define SYM_I 6 #define SYM_M 7 #define SYM_N 8 #define SYM_O 9 #define SYM_R 10 #define SYM_T 11 #define SYM_U 12 #define SYM_V 13 #define SYM_Y 14 #endif