Lowercase Input Toggle for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition Adriweb - Feb. 21st 2013 Thanks for downloading this program. ==Instructions== - Transfer the .8xp file to your TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition - Run it once ( with "Asm(prgmLWRCASE)" ) to be able to double-tap the [Alpha] key to switch to lowercase - Run it again to disable it.        ==Source Code== In hex : :Asm84CPrgm :214A8B3E08AE77C9 In ASM : ld hl,flags+appLwrCaseFlag ld a,8 xor (hl) ld (hl),a ret ==Contact== Adrien Bertrand ("Adriweb") adrienbertrand@msn.Com http://tiplanet.org