Cemetech Contest #20 Entry (Space) - Loonar Landers =================================================== Warning: * This only works on the TI-84+ CE. * This will not work on the TI-84+ CSE. * This will not work on any monochrome calculator. About ----- You are a loon and it is your job to softly land your fragile lander onto the designated landing pad. Installing and Running ---------------------- Use your favorite computer to calculator link software (TiLP, TIConnect, etc) to send `LOONARLA.8xp` to your calculator. To run without a shell, follow these steps: 1. Turn on the calculator and make sure you're on the home screen. 2. Then push the following keys in order: [CLEAR] [2nd] [0] [DOWN] [DOWN] [DOWN] [DOWN] [DOWN] [DOWN] [ENTER] 3. Push [PRGM] then move the cursor down until LOONARLA is selected. When you have done that, push [ENTER] 4. Your homescreen should look something like: `Asm(prgmLOONARLA)` Then push [ENTER] to start the game. Controls -------- | Key | Function in menu | ------:|:---------------- | [Up], [Down] | Change menu options | [2nd] | Select the option | [Mode] | Quit the game | Key(s) | Function in game | ----:|:---------------- | [Left],[Right] | Fires thrusters to move lander | [Mode] | Return to the main menu Troubleshooting --------------- 1. * Q: When I run the game, the calculator gives me `ERROR:ARCHIVED` * A: Follow the grey text prompt to unachive the variable. 2. * Q: When I run the game, the calculator is complaining about needing this "Libload" or something. * A: You need the libload library. Follow the link provided in the error message to find the needed libraries. 3. * Q: When I run the game, the calculator is complaining about library version or something like that. * A: You need to find the library specified in the error message. Follow the link provided to find the needed libraries. 4. * Q: I think I might have found a bug. * A: Read the thread and post about it if the problem hasn't been reported yet. The project's thread is here: https://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=261077 License ------- I use the BSD 2-clause license for this project. See `LICENSE` for more details. Version History --------------- * 0.1 - The project, as submitted to Cemetech for the contest. * 0.2 - Added side collision, menu, speed consistency, difficulty levels and high score saving. Optimized image data for size, program for size and speed. How to Build the Project ------------------------ 1. Download and install the CE C SDK if you don't have it installed. https://github.com/CE-Programming/toolchain/releases 2. (Re)build image data by navigating to the `src/gfx` folder and running `convpng` 3. Build main project by running `make` in the project's root directory. 4. If everything worked out, `LOONARLA.8xp` will be found in the `bin` folder