Defension v1.8 by Squidgetx Written in TI-BASIC 8130 bytes 1.2.09 Defension is a superior quality game written in TI-BASIC. It is a strategy/action game in which you must defend your city from stick invaders by training a wide variety of soldiers and generally running your city. While you're so busy doing that, you are also responsible for the creation of a Super Hydrogen Bomb, which you can use to defeat those annoying barbarians... permanently. Features streamlined graphics (for a Basic game, anyway), custom menus, and a cool title screen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contents 1. Installation 2. Main Menu 3. Starting a new game 4. Gameplay 5. Military details 6. The store 7. The pause menu 8. Technical 9. Version History ======================================================================================= 1. Installation Installation is easy, just send prgmDEFENSE to your calc with whatever link software you use. The other crap in the zip folder are two cool screenshots (in .bmp and .gif format) and this .txt file To run, you can use MirageOS or just run prgmDEFENSE from the PRGM->EXEC menu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Main Menu POW!!!! Cool fade-in animation takes you to an inverse-screen menu with 3 options. Up/down moves the selection highlight, 2nd will confirm You have three choices: Load game, New Game, or Quit Load game will check for saved data, if none is found it will take you to the new game screen. See 3. Starting a new game for more info New game : see section 3 Quit: Pretty self explanatory... ########################################################################################## 3. New Game A menu will pop up, making sure you wnat to start a new game. up/down, duh, 2nd select. Now, a stat screen will pop up, where you get to assign point values to 4 stats to determine what you start the game with. 2nd is select, as always. More points to Religion will up your initial Religion stat, more with Science will up your initial Science stat. More points to Attack will give you more troops at the beginning of the game, more points to Defense will give your walls more health. Choose "done" when you are... done. ******************************************************************************************* 4. Gameplay You will see three bars on the top of the screen. The top one tells you how much cash you have, what day it is, and how many bombs or missles you have. Below that is a status bar showing how complete your hydrogen bomb is. Below that is a bar showing your city's health and its wall health. Below that is your city, drawn with as little commands as I could. Some invaders will already be attacking, so be prepared, heh heh heh.... Controls: 2nd- fire bomb ALPHA- fire missle MODE- visit the Store DEL- Pause Menu CLEAR_ return to Main Menu MATH- Teacher key :) instant save and quit o TI-OS (unless you're running the game from MirageOS) Troops and the other military units will ward off invaders in their range area per battalion- unless you have enough units to make a battalion, they'll just sit in your city and do nothing. Units will die, so you must always be sure to have enough! You can check how many you have from the Pause Menu and the Store. You get cash both fromm killing a barbarian and from the hard-working inhabitants of your city. They will also slowly repair your City for you as well, but not the walls... The only way to repair your walls is to buy it from the Store God will screw with your game sometimes...if he hates you, more enemies will come and your troops will die faster... if he loves you than the opposite. The only way to appease him is to sacrifice!!! (from the Pause Menu) If he really erally loves you he might give out heart attacks to barbarians... Science- you need it for your Hbomb! Those d*mn scientists are always asking for funding... Pollution!!!! Hahaha! Too many tanks and cannons will pollute the air and make everyone die faster!!!! Even the tanks and cannons are affected because their operators are human WAHAHAHAH!!! Mages will randomly kill some barbarians... To win, you must have 240 kills, God must like you, science must be properly funded, and have 10 mages (at the time of the other reqirements being filled- mages die too!) Alternatively, you can just kill 400 people, if you're too lazy to do the other stuff }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} 5. Military details Troop type- Range- #to a battalion-Rate of death Troop 1 30 Fast +Troop 2 20 MedFast Tank 3 5 Slow Cannon 5 2 Medium Mage All 2 Slow Bomb- clears the area around your city Missle- game will pause, two missles will be displayed on either side of your city. Press left/right to select a side, the missle will fall onto your enemies. Most of the enemies on that side will die. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6. The Store At the store, you can buy 8 things Up/down navigates your cursor, 2nd buys the thing, Clear or Del exits. The name/description of the item is on the left, follwed by the quantity, followed by the price, then how many you have. All the items are fairly self-explanatory, wall repair, unit purchase, weapon purchase. See Gameplay and Military Details for info about certain items. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>... 7. The Pause Menu yadda yadda from here you can resume, view ur stats, sacrifice to the gods, fund science, or quit the game Why did i make a separate section just for this... i dunno !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 8. Technical prgmDEFENSE is 8070 bytes. Your saved game is stored in LZDEF and is updated constantly (autosave). This means that even if you interrupt the game with the ON key, your game will be saved Deleting LZDEF will erase your saved game, archiving it will produce an ERR:ARCHIVED upon execution of the program, altering it will either mess up your stats or produce some random error message during the game prgm DEFENSE also uses Pic5, LOZD, and LZOD. They are created and deleted within the game, so you *shouldn't* even know they exist.... They take up about 1000 bytes of RAM, however, this may be the source of the mysterious ERR: MEMORY mesage you may encounter... (there are no memory leaks, i swear) So..... LOZD and LZOD take 113 bytes each.... Pic5 takes 767 bytes LZDEF takes 240 bytes prgmDEFENSE takes 8070 bytes That makes 9303 bytes you need in RAM to play teh game, but just to be on the safe side, have at least 10kb free before you play. It is possible to cheat.... but I'm not telling you how, heheheheh.... BASIC programmers probably know anyway though.... O: NO SQUIDPACKX NEEDED!!!! Hooray! I will probably not use the squidpack as much in my major projects, but all my past progs and any new minor games/progs will still use SquidpackX. I still recommend downloading them, as they are very useful!!! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++= 9. Version History v1.0 Coding finished!!!! 11/9/08 7109 bytes v1.1 Fixed a store bug 11/9 7418 Fixed religion bugs Added civilian activity Packed Squidpackx v1.2 Changed return routines 11/10 7222 optimized Attempt to fix a city health bug Adjusted the difficulty v1.3 Attempt to fix that city 11/11 7914 health bug New title screen!!! v1.4 New victory screens 11/12 8191 New GameOver screen Attempt to fix that city health bug Added pollution Increased revenue More troops at the start of the game Removed window "borders' Fixed a menu bug v1.5 Fixed another menu bug 11/13 8051 Fixed ERR:UNDEFINED bug Changed New Game screen Changed Input Stat menu Optimized v1.6 Optimized 11/14 8557 Added grass pixels Added time of day Added God helping you Added time of day shading Stat screen bugs fixed Store bugs fixed Double-Hit bug fixed- an enemy on both sides deals 5 damage of 10 v1.7 Removed Time Of Day 11/15 8070 shading, it was being uncooperative Optimized Fixed more menu bugs FINALLY FIXED THAT CITY HEALTH BUG!!! Fixed a Wall health bug made days shorter Made game longer Less cash, but they die slower Fixed a winning bug- you could simply get ~500 kills and win Fixed a display bug with the Hbomb stat bar Final Version v1.8 Not the final version...1/2 8130 added alternate win bug fixes Comments/Questions? email