=================================== Age of Culture v1.5 [beta] - Readme =================================== 1:How to install? 2:How to play? (2.2: Units and buildings - information) 3:How to get cheats? 4:How about the campain? 5:Upcoming stuff/features? 6:Credits ========================== 1: installing instructions ========================== Requirements: -Ti 83+ or Ti 84+ -15000 bytes or more free ARCHIVE MEMORY (recommended): Mirage OS - to be able to run the game while its archived and save 1: Send the file "Age of Culture v1.5.8xl" to the archive-memory of your calculator 2:(to play the game): Open mirage OS and pick "AOC"! That's it! It's highly recommended that you start playing 24 hours a day and Beat the campain ten times right now! ;o) =============== 2: How to play? =============== Keys: 2nd - pick building, next page (like the A-button whe you play on a console) ENTER - cheats MODE - pause menu ARROW KEYS - move cursor numbers - select an option (in menus) -> To start a match you can pick one of the levels you've already beaten or start a Skirmish-session with your own settings! At first you should spawn a few workers in the main-building for gold and wood supply. If you have about ten workers (The number of workers is displayed on the top-right of the screen) you should build a house and wait until you have enough ressources to build the barracks. If you have build the barracks you need to start to spawn soldiers - if you think you have enough soldiers; Attack your enemy! If you win: Your soldiers will decrease the enemy live points. If you loose:The enemy soldiers will decrease your live points. The game ends when you or your opponent has no live points anymore. Have fun! ======================== 2.2: Units and buildings ======================== Unit 1: worker cost: 50 gold, 10 wood, one house place use : produce one gold or one wood per second (If you advanced to the feudal age they will produce two) Unit 2: Infantry cost: 10 gold, 50 wood, one house place use : A soldier which takes part in a war. Attack value : 1* Defense value: 1* Unit 3: Cavallery cost: 100 gold, 20 wood, one house place use : A soldier which takes part in a war. Attack value : 2* Defense value: 1* === Building 1: house cost : 50 gold, 250 wood use : provides ten house places. Building 2: main-building cost : given at the beginning use : used to spawn workers, set workers, build houses and to build other buildings. Building 3: barracks cost : 150 gold, 500 wood (upgrade to lv2: 500 gold , 150 wood) use : used to spawn soldiers (Infantry/Cavallery), attack the enemy and to reserarch Note: The option to research is only available if you upgraded the barracks to lv2! Building 4: outpost cost : 250 gold, 300 wood use : Defends your village if you are attacked by enemies. Attack value : 5* Defense value: 5* *: In a war the attack-value and the defense-value of all your soldiers will be added together! More units and maybe buildings will be included in some time! ==================== 3:How to get cheats? ==================== Here are all currently included cheats; more will be integrated soon! GIMME GOODS - Gives gold and wood I NEED WORKERS - Filles houses with workers MANY,MANY HOUSES - 999 houses AN APPLE A DAY - Recoveres all lost live points THIS IS MY POWER - 100 cavallery-units BE MY FRIEND - Get all units of your opponent (remind - cheating suckz and mostly destroys the gameplay) ======================== 4:How about the campain? ======================== The campain ist currently 21 levels long and gets from level to level harder. You can also play levels you have already beaten, A story will be added soon! ================= 5:Upcoming stuff? ================= These features will be integrated soon: -story for the campain -uPgrades -*not thought about, yet* I am still thinking of many ways to provide more stuff. If you have an idea and think it could be useful in this game, feel free to mail me your personal advises/oppinions/critisism, whatever you want^^ ================= 6:Credits/Contact ================= The whole game was programmed by Jesko Roos 2006 and is compatible with Ti 83+, Ti 83+ Silver Edition, Ti 84+ and Ti 84+ Silver Edition calculators. Version: 1.5 [beta] Email : lolje222@abacho.de Thank you for downloading and playing my game! I hope you had (and have) much fun with it! Thanks to: Joris Roos and UTI Forums for tips in beta testing and perfecting the game.