Chemical equation balancer by Rik Steenkamp ( DESCRIPTION Enter any chemical equation in an easy way. The application can balance it, calculate the molar masses and do some other stuff. INSTALLATION Use software as "TI Connect" or "Tilp2" to send Balancer.8xk to your calculator. You can run the application by pressing the APPS button. HOW TO ENTER A CHEMICAL EQUATION Syntax: Atoms always start in upper case. The second character (if it has one) is in lower case, like in Helium (He). The '2' in H20 is entered in subscript (see below how to print subscript). Subscript is also used after brackets, for example in Mg(OH)2. Charge (like in Ca2+) is entered in superscript and ends with an '-' or '+'. See screenshots for a couple of examples. Keys: At default every button will print the letter assigned to it in upper case (like A-LOCK). Press ALPHA to toggle upper/lower case. Subscript and superscript are accessible with the up/down buttons. To print brackets first press 2ND. The reaction arrow is accessible under 'Y=' (upper left button) or 2ND-STO. Insert characters in the middle using 2ND-INS or delete them using DEL (as normal). Pressing GRAPH will give you a list of all recognized atoms with their atomic number and full name. Press ENTER when finished (it is possible to edit later). The program uses automatic switching of modes. For exmple you never want to type two lower case characters in a row so the program automatically switches back to upper case after one lower case character. BALANCE CHEMICAL EQUATION This will print the scalar numbers indicating the relative quantities of molecules in the reaction. For example if you entered: C2H6 + O2 -> CO2 + H2O the program will print: 2 7 -> 4 6 which implies 2 C2H6 + 7 O2 -> 4 CO2 + 6 H2O CALCULATE MOLAR MASSES Press this button to get a list of all molecules in the equation and their masses in grams per mole. Their masses will be saved in List6 for later use in calculations. If you just want the molar mass of a molecule you don't have to enter a whole equation. Just enter that one molecule as an equation. The program wont mind that it's not a valid equation as long as you dont let him balance it. OTHER FUNCTIONS These functions use data from a Dutch science reference book called BINAS (5th edition). Get acidity constants: When dealing with acid/base reactions you can use this functions to look up the acid dissociation constant of all molecules in the equation. Useful for finding the strongest acid and base. It will print the molecule followed by one or two numbers, depending on whether the molecule can act as an Acid, Base or both. The numbers represent the logarithmic measure of the acid dissociation constant (pKa). If it's a base then it will print the pKa of it's conjugate acid followed by '(B)' indicating it's a base. Otherwise followed by an '(A)' for Acid. For example: SO4 1.98 (B) The option SCAN BINAS does almost the same thing except it will also display molecules with more atoms than the ones in your equation. Useful when you only know a part of the molecule. Get standard electrode potential: Displays in the same way as above instead the standard electrode potentials. A '(R)' after a number means Reductor, a '(O)' means Oxidator. Miscellaneous keys: CLEAR exit current screen 1-9 press corresponding button in menu TRACE (F4) immediatly exit application