Thanks for trying the Fancy Pants World 1 Demo! ======== WHAT ======== I originally planned for this to be a port of the Fancy Pants Adventures Flash game by Brad Borne ( Alas, I procrastinated and ran out of time to finish it. So here's my version, sans spiders, sans points, but still kind of fun if you play it to avoid the bugs. (I didn't even have time to make a main menu!) Hope you enjoy the physics. (It's over my own head.) Good luck! ======== CONTROLS ======== Left and right to move, 2nd to jump, UP to open a door (animation pending), CLEAR to quit. ======== BUGS ======== They're there. I admit it. But hey, just think of it as an added challenge ;) In particular you might suddenly find yourself falling through a solid floor. This isn't normal, but that's how it is. I added an extra-solid floor below the actual level just for that purpose, to catch you when you do fall. So if you suddenly find yourself on a completely flat floor, that's what happened. Just press CLEAR to quit and try again. A somewhat related bug (not really a bug at all but a minor loophole I've been too lazy to fix) is that if you go off the map entirely, the program starts lagging and drawing random crap on the screen. It shouldn't freeze or crash, but be warned that it is possible. So just don't go off the map. It's not that easy to do so anyway, unless you purposefully ran off of the safety net (second floor layer) I talked about earlier. ======== THANKS ======== Oh boy, this is gonna be long. And I really couldn't think of an order to put you guys in (you all rock!), so we'll have to do with our ABCs. bborne For making the most awesome Flash game of all time. 'Nuff said. DJ_O For Omnimaga! And for hosting this contest in the first place. Without it I never would have had the motivation to attempt anything of this scale. And the rest of the forum, too, is such a great timekiller/ lifesaver (kudos to anyone who gets the reference). p2 For so much graphics work that was absolutely invaluable to the making of this game. For manually ripping level maps and sprite animations from the original Flash game, which would have taken me so much longer. And for those suggestions only someone really familiar with a game could come up with. Quigibo For Axe ( That's the compiler (is it really just a compiler?) that made all this possible, for this and so many other games. And for some pointers (advice, tips) that helped form the collision detection in Fancy Pants. thepenguin77 For incredibly helpful tips and answers for my questions. Here's someone who really knows their calculators. And for letting me put my name in the About screen of my calculator! ZippyDee (sorry you ended up at the end; you have Byrhtferth to thank) For an awesome tutorial ( on point-and-line collisions, and for many other suggestions and ideas. ======== CONTACT ======== Made by Deep Thought ( a member of Omnimaga Coders of Tomorrow The most hyperactive forum around. Join us in #omnimaga on EFnet! Revolution Software Seven years and counting, and still home to so many amazing projects. ClrHome Productions Come here for suggestions and bug reports. Or just for the heck of it. ======== RIGHTS ======== Copyright (C) 2011 DEEP THOUGHT Do whatever the hell you want with it.